
Tom’s Not Alone — Comes Now Dean Florez and Alberto Torrico

Subject: Need Your Help: 48 Hours Left


 If you’re getting this email, it means that I have ONCE again reached into my personal email address book–because time is running out.

 I need your help in these last 48 hours before campaign reports close.

 I first want to thank the many who have responded with wonderful campaign contributions and words of encouragement.

 The responses I have received have been both amazing and humbling, not to mention filled with valid questions on California’s budget shortfall, what its like dealing with Arnold, and many more substantive governmental questions.

 If you haven’t had a chance yet to contribute, I am asking all of my friends  to consider making a  small contribution of $30 within the next 48 hours.

 Simply click this link to help: https://deanflorez.secured-website.com/donation.asp

 Now is the time for my  personal friends and associates to make a difference in my statewide run for Lt. Governor.

 Your consideration and support is greatly appreciated.


 Dean Florez

Senate Majority Leader


 Paid for by Dean Florez for Lieutenant Governor, ID # 1299732.  Not paid for at Government Expense.?

456 Atlantic Avenue, Shafter, CA 93263. Phone: 661.746.4600??

 If you feel you have received this message in error, we apologize.



 Subject: 48 Hours to Make a Difference

 I need your help!

 In the face of rising temperatures in Sacramento and throughout the State, I continue to fight for our shared values as Democrats – A decent job with a living wage, access to affordable and quality healthcare, a world-class education for our kids, and safe neighborhoods and communities.  In short, I am fighting for JUSTICE for every Californian.

 As a result of my efforts, I have been under constant attack by right-wing zealots, who would prefer to focus on ideology rather than people, but theirs is a failed strategy.  My travels to every corner of this state during my campaign have taught me that Californians care about their neighbors, friends, and most importantly, their families, and long for one thing – an opportunity to fulfill their dreams.

 You can help me in this fight.  In just 48 hours, on JUNE 30TH, we face the first important campaign deadline.  On that day, the finance period will close, and all candidates will have to report their contributions.  Your efforts can show the right-wingers and their corporate cronies that Democrats win campaigns by the Power of the People.

 Please click here TODAY to make your contribution of $25, $50 or $100 today that will help me continue to reach out to families all across the state with my campaign for JUSTICE.  

 It will make all the difference in the world.

 All the best,

Alberto Torrico

Assembly Democratic Majority Leader

Candidate for Attorney General



Filed under: Fundraising


  1. please make it stop

    Comment by Smoky's Gal — 6.29.2009 @ 12:13 pm

  2. one nice thing about commenting on races with the press is that I can’t give to any of them. When I retire, I will have no excuse. Oh well.

    Comment by barbara oc — 6.29.2009 @ 12:55 pm

  3. You think this is a big deadline? Wait until you’ve got a fundraiser at the art gallery on 11th St. and no one’s showing except other legislators. Now that’s pressure. All I can say is when is John Mockler getting into the race for the state Assembly? I believe Wally and Gus would be there, but don’t quote me.

    Comment by d. weitzman — 6.29.2009 @ 11:25 pm

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