
E-Mail Salvoes Volleyed by State GOP And Democratic Parties

This missive from State Democratic Party Chair John Burton started the exchange:

Burton letter

As might be predicted, Repubicasns expressed some umbrage over being likened to international terrorists. Their response:

GOp response(Editor’s Note: Imagine the tone of these two e-mails if California wasn’t basking in the Era of Post-Partisanship.)


Filed under: Politics

1 Comment »

  1. Burton is a moron and a dangerous one at that. Only in California would someone use the term “terrorist” and “international terrorists” in a political context that doesn’t involve innocent people being killed by bombs, car bombs, or jets. He was an abusive boss, an abusive and dangerous “leader” in the Senate, and he’s now been handed the keys to the Democratic party. I PERSONALLY know of at least one woman who worked in the Senate that he sexually harassed for some time. Because he was a “leader” in the Senate, he got away with it because she was unwilling to put her job in jeopardy. The only job he’s ever had in the private sector was working as a bartender when he was still snorting lines of cocaine. It’s time for this foolish old man –who’s been hanging on his brother Phil’s coattails and accomplishments all his life– to just wander off into the woods and die.

    Comment by Bytes — 12.09.2010 @ 1:06 pm

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