
More than 2,000 Pieces of Legislation Introduced in February

Shattering its January output of 248 bill introductions, the Assembly and the Senate produced nearly 10 times as many measures in February – 2,023, to be exact.

In the Senate and the Assembly, the deadline to introduce bills was February 18 although committee bills rather than those introduced by an individual members could be logged later. The Assembly Daily File shows AB 1400, AB 1401 and AB 1402 introduced on the first two days of March.

The 80-member Assembly introduced 1,183 new bills during the 28 days of February – an average of 42.25 per day.

For the 40-member Senate, its 792 new pieces of legislation represent a rate of 28.28 per day.

Rounding out its total, the Assembly also introduced four bills in the special session called to cope with the state’s budget woes.

Three Assembly constitutional amendments were also part of the mix as were 19 Assembly Concurrent Resolutions, four Assembly Joint Resolutions and three House Resolutions.

The Senate increased its number of proposed constitutional amendments by two, added 14 Senate Concurrent Resolutions and two Senate Resolutions.

Hundreds of issues are addressed in the stack of new bills.

Creators of “body art,” would be required to register with law enforcement agencies under AB 300, the Safe Body Art Act. Ear piercing is exempt from regulation under the bill.

“Body art” is defined as “body piercing, tattooing, branding or application of permanent cosmetics.”

The Senate’s SB 300 would create a 21-member Academic Content Standards Commission for Science and History-Social Science.

Skipping ahead several hundred, AB 550 by Alison Huber, a Lodi Democrat, would require a peripheral canal that diverts water from the Sacramento River and delivers somewhere south of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta to be approved by the Legislature.

The Legislative Analyst would be required to examine the feasibility of the project prior to passing a bill creating the canal.

(A task the analyst would no doubt perform without Huber’s edict.)

And, finally, if passed the bill would prohibit the “construction and operation of a peripheral canal from diminishing or negatively affecting the water supplies, water rights, or quality of water for water users within the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta watershed or imposing any new burdens on infrastructure within, or financial burdens on persons residing in, the Delta or the Delta watershed.”

Narrower in scope is Los Angeles Democrat Alex Padilla’s SB 550, which relates to the makers of commercial optical disks.

No manufacturing equipment or disk molds could be used unless each bears a proper identification mark or code, should Padilla’s bill become law.

As with every legislative session, a number of bills seem either unnecessary or a solution in search of a problem.

For example, Jose Solorio’s AB 275 would “authorize landowners to install, maintain and operate rain barrel systems, as defined, and rainwater capture systems, as defined, for specified purposes, provided that the systems comply with specified requirements.”

If they want to, can’t landowners already collect rainwater without state authorization?

Not to single out the Santa Ana Democrat but does the “Displaced Janitor Opportunity Act” really need to be renamed the “Displaced Property Service Employee Opportunity Act” so it includes “security, as defined, landscape, window cleaning, and food cafeteria services,” as contemplated by his AB 350?

A cursory review of the rest of the lists shows measures on apiaries, rabies, “urban heat island effect,” nurse-to-patient ratios, tax conformity, energy efficiency, restraining orders, the Mendocino Woodlands Outdoor Center, bleeding disorders, ”implements of husbandry,” automated traffic enforcement systems, cemetery districts, sex offenders and expungement.

Needless to say, given the volume of introductions there are hundreds of other subjects.

While the amount of bills vying for legislative attention – the better part of 2,500 – seems excessive, some bills – particularly those of Republicans in a Democratic majority Legislature — won’t pass.

One of those is AB 333 which says the State Air Resources Board can’t impose emission reduction requirements mandated by AB 32, California’s landmark greenhouse gas reduction law, in counties with unemployment of 7 percent or higher until unemployment falls below 7 percent for six months.

This is, both on a policy and political basis, little more than a gussied-up press release that costs taxpayers at least $30,000 – just as every bill introduced does, according to the Legislative Analyst.

Multiplying 2,023 by $30,000 equals nearly $60.7 million.

The first 100 Assembly bills and Senate bills introduced in February are below:

AB 218(Wieckowski) Taxation: estate taxes and sales and use taxes.
Introduced: 02/01/2011
Status: 02/28/2011-From committee chair, with author’s amendments: Amend, and re-refer to Com. on REV. & TAX. Read second time and amended.
Location: 02/28/2011-A REV. & TAX
Calendar: 03/07/11 1:30 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 126 ASM REVENUE AND TAXATION Summary: Would declare the Legislature’s intent to propose an amendment to the initiative measure to provide a state sales and use tax exemption for purchases of manufacturing equipment used in the manufacturing process and to use the revenue generated from imposing a California estate tax to supplant the reduction of General Fund revenue resulting from the exemption for purchases of manufacturing equipment. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.

AB 219(Portantino) California Recidivism Goals Development and Achievement Act.
Introduced: 02/01/2011
Status: 02/10/2011-Referred to Com. on PUB. S.
Location: 02/10/2011-A PUB. S. Summary: Would declare the Legislature’s intent regarding the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation’s role in reducing criminal recidivism. The bill would require the department achieve a reduction in the statewide criminal recidivism rate from 2010 of 20% by 2015 and 40% by 2020. The bill would require the department to adopt regulations to require the reporting and verification of the statewide recidivism rate, as specified.

AB 220(Solorio) Gang and youth violence: prevention.
Introduced: 02/01/2011
Status: 02/18/2011-Referred to Com. on PUB. S.
Location: 02/18/2011-A PUB. S. Summary: Would require the director, subject to statutory limits and directives, to make recommendations to streamline existing state agency gang and youth violence grant programs with a goal toward giving priority to grant programs that employ evidence-based practices. It would require the director to create a working group consisting of representatives of state offices and representatives of other specified stakeholders to assist in this effort, with the director serving as the chairperson. The bill would require the working group to advise the office on the task of streamlining grant programs that address gang and youth violence, in accordance with certain procedures. This bill contains other related provisions.

AB 221(Carter) The Housing and Emergency Shelter Trust Fund Acts of 2002 and 2006: supportive housing.
Introduced: 02/01/2011
Status: 02/10/2011-Referred to Com. on H. & C.D.
Location: 02/10/2011-A H. & C.D. Summary: Would require that the funds transferred to the Emergency Housing and Assistance Fund pursuant to both acts also be made available for supportive housing purposes, as specified.

AB 222(Committee on Agriculture) Food and Agriculture Fund: Food Biotechnology Task Force: reporting.
Introduced: 02/01/2011
Status: 02/10/2011-Referred to Com. on AGRI.
Location: 02/10/2011-A AGRI. Summary: Would delete the obsolete reporting requirements from these provisions. This bill contains other existing laws.

AB 223(Ammiano) Controlled substances.
Introduced: 02/02/2011
Status: 02/03/2011-From printer. May be heard in committee March 5.
Location: 02/02/2011-A PRINT Summary: Existing law provides that, except as otherwise provided, every person who possesses any of certain controlled substances, or any of other specified controlled substances which is a narcotic drug, unless upon written prescription, as specified, shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison. This bill would make a technical, nonsubstantive change to these provisions.

AB 224(Bonilla) School accountability: Academic Performance Index.
Introduced: 02/02/2011
Status: 02/10/2011-Referred to Com. on ED.
Location: 02/10/2011-A ED. Summary: Would require that between July 1, 2013, and June 30, 2016, the results of those tests constitute at least 50% of the value of the API. Commencing with the 2012-13 fiscal year, the Superintendent, in consultation with the State Board of Education, would be required to incorporate various indicators into the API, including high school graduation rates, rates by which pupils complete a course of study at an achievement level that fulfills the requirements and prerequisites for admission to California public institutions of postsecondary education, and rates by which pupils complete a course of study that provides the skills and knowledge necessary to attain entry-level employment in business or industry when they graduate from high school. The indicators incorporated by the Superintendent would constitute the other 50% of the API. The Superintendent would be required to implement the percentage adjustments to the API on or before June 30, 2016. The Superintendent would be authorized to convene an advisory committee of recognized experts to provide recommendations for implementing the requirements imposed by this bill. The advisory committee, once convened, also would be required to develop recommendations for the inclusion of multiple measures in the API of middle and junior high schools.

AB 225(Nielsen) Child custody: ex parte orders.
Introduced: 02/02/2011
Status: 02/10/2011-Referred to Com. on JUD.
Location: 02/10/2011-A JUD. Summary: Would instead authorize the court to make an order granting or modifying a custody order on an ex parte basis only if there has been a showing of immediate risk that the child will be removed from the state.

AB 226(Solorio) Unemployment insurance: reporting requirements: status of funds.
Introduced: 02/02/2011
Status: 02/10/2011-Referred to Com. on INS.
Location: 02/10/2011-A INS. Summary: Would additionally require the department, whenever the Unemployment Fund contains a negative balance, to include in the status report on the Unemployment Fund an estimate of the change in the taxable wage ceiling or tax rates necessary to return this fund to solvency within 5 years.

AB 227(Hall) Education technology planning.
Introduced: 02/02/2011
Status: 02/10/2011-Referred to Com. on ED.
Location: 02/10/2011-A ED. Summary: Would expand that list of topics to include the prevention of, and legal consequences for, cyberbullying, the active use of parental content control software, and the responsible use by pupils of mobile communication technology. The bill would exempt from compliance with this requirement a school district that, on July 1, 2011, has a 3- to 5-year education technology plan until that plan expires or is voluntarily replaced, at which time the school district would be subject to the requirement. The bill would make other conforming changes.

AB 228(Fuentes) State Compensation Insurance Fund: employee exemptions.
Introduced: 02/02/2011
Status: 02/10/2011-Referred to Com. on INS.
Location: 02/10/2011-A INS. Summary: Would add furloughs to those employee exemptions.

AB 229(Lara) The Controller: audits.
Introduced: 02/02/2011
Status: 02/10/2011-Referred to Com. on B., P. & C.P.
Location: 02/02/2011-A PRINT Summary: Would require the Controller to receive every annual financial audit report prepared by any local government within 9 months of the audit period or within a longer timeframe authorized by the Controller. This bill would require an audit conducted pursuant to this provision to fully comply with the Government Auditing Standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States. This bill would require the audits to be made by a certified public accountant that is licensed by the California Board of Accountancy and selected by a local government. The Controller would be required to use specified criteria to determine those certified public accountants that are to be included in the directory. This bill contains other related provisions.

AB 230(Carter) Joint educational programs: middle college high schools.
Introduced: 02/02/2011
Status: 02/03/2011-From printer. May be heard in committee March 5.
Location: 02/02/2011-A PRINT Summary: Existing law authorizes the establishment of middle college high schools, which are alternative high schools located on community college campuses, and structured as broad-based, comprehensive instructional programs focusing on college preparatory and school-to-work curricula, career education, work experience, community service, and support and motivational activities. Existing law provides for the California Community Colleges and the State Department of Education to collaborate with each other and with their respective local community colleges and local school districts to ensure the continued success of existing middle college high schools and to promote the establishment of new middle college high schools. This bill would make technical, nonsubstantive changes in a provision related to the establishment and maintenance of middle college high schools.

AB 231(V. Manuel Pérez) Economic development: enterprise zones: targeted employment areas.
Introduced: 02/02/2011
Status: 02/10/2011-Referred to Coms. on J., E.D. & E. and REV. & TAX.
Location: 02/10/2011-A J., E.D. & E. Summary: Would modify the definition of a targeted employment area, as specified. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.

AB 232(V. Manuel Pérez) Economic development: Enterprise Zones.
Introduced: 02/02/2011
Status: 02/10/2011-Referred to Com. on J., E.D. & E.
Location: 02/10/2011-A J., E.D. & E. Summary: Would delete that purpose and instead provide that the purpose of the act is to help stabilize local communities, alleviate poverty, and enhance the state’s economic prosperity through the implementation of public and privately funded programs and services that stimulate business and industrial growth in the depressed areas of the state. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.

AB 233(Hall) Personal income taxes: voluntary contributions: California YMCA Youth and Government Fund.
Introduced: 02/02/2011
Status: 02/10/2011-Referred to Com. on REV. & TAX.
Location: 02/10/2011-A REV. & TAX
Calendar: 03/07/11 1:30 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 126 ASM REVENUE AND TAXATION Summary: Would additionally allow individuals to designate on their tax returns that a specified amount in excess of their tax liability be transferred to the California YMCA Youth and Government Fund, which would be created by this bill. The bill would require the Franchise Tax Board, when another voluntary contribution designation is removed, to revise the form of tax returns to provide for the designation created by this bill. This bill contains other related provisions.

AB 234(Wieckowski) Healthy food options.
Introduced: 02/03/2011
Status: 02/04/2011-From printer. May be heard in committee March 6.
Location: 02/03/2011-A PRINT Summary: Would declare the intent of the Legislature to enact legislation to ensure that all Californians have access to fresh produce and healthy food options.

AB 235(Halderman) Public records: clemency records.
Introduced: 02/03/2011
Status: 02/18/2011-Referred to Com. on G.O.
Location: 02/18/2011-A G.O. Summary: Would prohibit the Governor from imposing any restriction whatsoever on public access to writings relating to applications for clemency or extradition.

AB 236(Swanson) Income taxes: credits: qualified employees.
Introduced: 02/03/2011
Status: 02/18/2011-Referred to Com. on REV. & TAX.
Location: 02/18/2011-A REV. & TAX Summary: Would under both laws, for taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2011, authorize a credit in the amount of $5,000 for each full-time employee who is either an ex-offender, or a person who has been unemployed for 12 or more consecutive months, as specified. This bill contains other related provisions.

AB 237(Galgiani) Cosmetics: misbranding.
Introduced: 02/03/2011
Status: 02/18/2011-Referred to Com. on HEALTH.
Location: 02/18/2011-A HEALTH Summary: Would authorize the department, within existing resources, to require any manufacturer of cosmetics that does not currently comply with specified parts of the federal Food and Drug Administration Voluntary Cosmetic Reporting Program to provide to the department information of the same kind disclosed under that program.

AB 238(Huber) Civil procedure: discovery: objections.
Introduced: 02/03/2011
Status: 02/18/2011-Referred to Com. on JUD.
Location: 02/18/2011-A JUD. Summary: Would authorize the party making the demand to move for an order to require the responding party to produce a privilege log when that party objects to a demand on the basis of privilege or work product, as specified. If the court, in its discretion, determines that a privilege log is necessary in order to determine the validity of the claim, the court shall order the party claiming the privilege to prepare and serve a privilege log upon the terms and conditions deemed appropriate by the court. This bill contains other related provisions.

AB 239(Ammiano) Crime laboratories: oversight.
Introduced: 02/03/2011
Status: 02/18/2011-Referred to Com. on PUB. S.
Location: 02/18/2011-A PUB. S. Summary: Would require the task force to submit to the Legislature a supplemental report, by July 1, 2013, that includes a proposal to establish a statewide body to oversee crime laboratories, as specified.

AB 240(Bonilla) Compensation recovery actions: liquidated damages.
Introduced: 02/03/2011
Status: 02/18/2011-Referred to Com. on L. & E.
Location: 02/18/2011-A L. & E. Summary: Would permit an employee to recover liquidated damages pursuant to a complaint brought before the Labor Commissioner alleging payment of less than the state minimum wage. This bill contains other existing laws.

AB 241(Hall) Gambling: moratorium.
Introduced: 02/03/2011
Status: 02/18/2011-Referred to Com. on G.O.
Location: 02/18/2011-A G.O. Summary: Would extend the operation of these provisions to January 1, 2020.

AB 242(Committee on Revenue and Taxation) Income taxes: conformity: federal health care.
Introduced: 02/03/2011
Status: 02/18/2011-Referred to Com. on REV. & TAX.
Location: 02/18/2011-A REV. & TAX
Calendar: 03/07/11 1:30 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 126 ASM REVENUE AND TAXATION Summary: Would provide additional modified conformity to specified provisions of the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 relating to simple cafeteria plans for small businesses, health care benefits of indian tribe members, free choice vouchers, therapeutic discovery project grants, student loan repayment programs, and deduction for self-employment taxes. This bill contains other related provisions.

AB 243(Alejo) Labor contractors.
Introduced: 02/03/2011
Status: 02/18/2011-Referred to Com. on L. & E.
Location: 02/18/2011-A L. & E. Summary: Would require an employer who is a farm labor contractor, as defined, to disclose in the itemized statement the name and address of the legal entity that secured the employer’s services. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.

AB 244(Perea) Property taxation.
Introduced: 02/03/2011
Status: 02/04/2011-From printer. May be heard in committee March 6.
Location: 02/03/2011-A PRINT Summary: Existing law requires the Franchise Tax Board to include specified questions on the income tax returns of specified entities regarding changes in ownership of the real property owned by the entity and requires the Franchise Tax Board to notify the State Board of Equalization if an entity responds affirmatively to these questions. This bill would make technical, nonsubstantive changes to that provision.

AB 245(Portantino) Child care: contractors: electronic payment.
Introduced: 02/03/2011
Status: 02/18/2011-Referred to Com. on ED.
Location: 02/18/2011-A ED. Summary: Would require the State Department of Education, on and after January 1, 2013, to pay those contracts via direct deposit by electronic fund transfer into the contractor’s account at the financial institution of the contractor’s choice. The bill would require the Superintendent to make an agreement with one or more financial institutions participating in the Automated Clearing House to establish a program for direct deposit by electronic fund transfer, as specified.

AB 246(Wieckowski) Water quality: enforcement.
Introduced: 02/03/2011
Status: 02/04/2011-From printer. May be heard in committee March 6.
Location: 02/03/2011-A PRINT Summary: Would delete that exclusion, and, instead, specifically authorize a regional board, commencing January 1, 2012, to delegate to its executive officer the authority to apply for judicial enforcement to the Attorney General, a district attorney, a city attorney of a city with a population that exceeds 750,000, or a city attorney for a city and county. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.

AB 247(Perea) Property taxation: refunds.
Introduced: 02/03/2011
Status: 02/04/2011-From printer. May be heard in committee March 6.
Location: 02/03/2011-A PRINT Summary: Existing law requires property taxes to be refunded if, among other circumstances, the taxes were paid more than once, the taxes were illegally assessed or levied, or the taxes were paid on an assessment that was in excess of the value of the property, as specified. This bill would make a technical, nonsubstantive change to that provision.

AB 248(Perea) University of California: research facilities.
Introduced: 02/03/2011
Status: 02/18/2011-Referred to Com. on HIGHER ED.
Location: 02/18/2011-A HIGHER ED. Summary: Would request the Regents of the University of California to manage high-tech research facilities for use by the University of California and private companies for research projects.

AB 249(Berryhill, Bill) Contractors.
Introduced: 02/03/2011
Status: 02/18/2011-Referred to Coms. on B., P. & C.P. and JUD.
Location: 02/03/2011-A PRINT Summary: Would authorize a person who utilizes the services of an unlicensed contractor for the construction or improvement of residential property, as specified, to bring an action in any court of competent jurisdiction in this state to recover all compensation paid to the contractor for performance of any act or contract during the time the contractor was not properly licensed.

AB 250(Brownley) Instructional materials.
Introduced: 02/03/2011
Status: 02/18/2011-Referred to Com. on ED.
Location: 02/18/2011-A ED. Summary: Would delete the schedule for submission of instructional materials for foreign languages and health and the exception to the requirement that criteria for the evaluation of instruction be approved when curriculum frameworks are approved or at least 30 months before the date that the materials are to be approved for adoption. The bill would require that materials for mathematics be submitted for adoption in 2014, and for English language arts in 2016. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.

AB 251(Fuentes) High schools: career technical education.
Introduced: 02/03/2011
Status: 02/18/2011-Referred to Com. on ED.
Location: 02/18/2011-A ED. Summary: Would prohibit a school district and a high school from using minimum weekly attendance to reduce the number of days instruction is offered or that a pupil is required to be in attendance at school or a work-based learning opportunity. The bill would require the school district to report annually to the State Department of Education the academic and workforce preparation progress of pupils enrolled in its work-based learning or multiple pathway programs, or both. The bill would require the Superintendent to determine the minimum number of instructional hours per week that constitute weekly attendance and to calculate a revenue limit for each school district using a minimum weekly attendance. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.

AB 252(Calderon, Charles) Alcoholic beverage control: licensees.
Introduced: 02/03/2011
Status: 02/18/2011-Referred to Com. on G.O.
Location: 02/18/2011-A G.O. Summary: Would additionally permit a distilled spirits manufacturer’s agent to provide entertainment, food, and distilled spirits, wine, and nonalcoholic beverages at an event described above, as specified. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.

AB 253(Smyth) Local agencies: audit guidelines prescribed by the Controller and appointment of the Committee on City Accounting Procedures by the Controller.
Introduced: 02/03/2011
Status: 02/18/2011-Referred to Com. on L. GOV.
Location: 02/18/2011-A L. GOV. Summary: Would require the Controller to prescribe specified audit guidelines that would be applicable to all local agencies and conform to generally accepted auditing standards. This bill would require the Controller to prescribe these procedures and guidelines for counties, and uniform accounting and reporting procedures for cities, as specified. This bill contains other related provisions.

AB 254(Beall) Developmental services: Employment First Policy.
Introduced: 02/03/2011
Status: 02/18/2011-Referred to Com. on HUM. S.
Location: 02/18/2011-A HUM. S. Summary: Would require the regional center, when developing an individual program plan for a transition age youth or working age adult, to be guided by the Employment First Policy. The bill also, beginning when a consumer is 14 years of age, would require the planning team to discuss school-to-work opportunities during individual program plan meetings and to inform the consumer, parent, legal guardian, or conservator that the regional center is available, upon request, to participate in the consumer’s individualized education plan meetings to discuss transition planning. The bill would require the planning team, as part of the individual program plan process for working age adults, to address integrated employment opportunities, while respecting the consumer’s right to choose. This bill contains other existing laws.

AB 255(Wieckowski) Hazardous waste: latex paint: collection facility.
Introduced: 02/03/2011
Status: 02/18/2011-Referred to Com. on E.S. & T.M.
Location: 02/18/2011-A E.S. & T.M. Summary: Would allow a permanent household hazardous waste collection facility that is authorized to accept hazardous waste from a CESQG to accept recyclable latex paint from any generator, notwithstanding specified provisions and regulations, if the permanent household hazardous waste collection facility complies with certain requirements. Because a violation of these requirements would be a crime, the bill would impose a state-mandated local program. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.

AB 256(Nestande) Vector control.
Introduced: 02/03/2011
Status: 02/18/2011-Referred to Com. on L. GOV.
Location: 02/18/2011-A L. GOV.
Calendar: 03/23/11 1:30 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 447 ASM LOCAL GOVERNMENT Summary: Would require the board of trustees to adopt a formal, written response to any irregularities or accounting issues raised in the audit and provide this response to the appointing authority of each member of the board of trustees. The bill would also require the district before it levies special benefit assessments to provide specified notice to the appointing authority. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.

AB 257(Galgiani) Inmate release: notification.
Introduced: 02/03/2011
Status: 02/04/2011-From printer. May be heard in committee March 6.
Location: 02/03/2011-A PRINT Summary: Would express the intent of the Legislature to enact legislation that would require the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation to streamline the notification process regarding inmate release in order to make that process more accessible.

AB 258(Hagman) Rabies: vaccinations.
Introduced: 02/07/2011
Status: 02/18/2011-Referred to Com. on AGRI.
Location: 02/18/2011-A AGRI. Summary: Would exempt from the vaccination requirement a dog whose life would be endangered due to disease or other considerations if the dog received the vaccine, as determined by a licensed veterinarian on an annual basis. The bill would also require a dog that is exempt from the vaccination requirement to be confined to the premises of the owner, keeper, or harborer and would require, if the dog is off the premises of the owner, keeper, or harborer, the dog to be on a leash not to exceed 6 feet in length and to be under the direct physical control of an adult. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.

AB 259(Smyth) County public defender.
Introduced: 02/07/2011
Status: 02/18/2011-Referred to Com. on JUD.
Location: 02/18/2011-A JUD. Summary: Would provide that, in addition to existing law, a person is eligible to the office of public defender if he or she is a sitting or retired judge, and as a judge meets specified qualifications, or if he or she was a judicial commissioner, magistrate, or referee, or elected public official, and meets specified qualifications.

AB 260(Cedillo) Vehicles: driver license compact.
Introduced: 02/07/2011
Status: 02/08/2011-From printer. May be heard in committee March 10.
Location: 02/07/2011-A PRINT Summary: Under existing law, the Driver License Compact requires the licensing authority of a party state to report each conviction of an offense related to the use or operation of a vehicle of a person from another party state occurring within its jurisdiction to the licensing authority of the home state of the licensee. This bill would make technical, nonsubstantive changes to the definition of licensing authority with regard to that compact.

AB 261(Dickinson) Property tax: tax-defaulted property.
Introduced: 02/07/2011
Status: 02/18/2011-Referred to Com. on REV. & TAX.
Location: 02/18/2011-A REV. & TAX Summary: Would provide that easements of any kind, including prescriptive easements, are included within those specified exceptions to the conveyance of title free of encumbrances. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.

AB 262(Harkey) California regional water quality control boards: boundaries.
Introduced: 02/07/2011
Status: 02/18/2011-Referred to Com. on E.S. & T.M.
Location: 02/18/2011-A E.S. & T.M. Summary: Would revise the description of the boundaries of the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board and the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board.

AB 263(Buchanan) School facilities: construction.
Introduced: 02/07/2011
Status: 02/08/2011-From printer. May be heard in committee March 10.
Location: 02/07/2011-A PRINT Summary: Would state the intent of the Legislature to enact legislation relating to the construction of school facilities. This bill contains other existing laws.

AB 264(Hagman) Transitional housing.
Introduced: 02/07/2011
Status: 02/18/2011-Referred to Com. on H. & C.D.
Location: 02/18/2011-A H. & C.D. Summary: Would require operators of transitional housing to notify the city or county and residents within 300 feet of the property when a transitional housing facility will be established so that the city or county and residents have specified knowledge about the transitional housing facility.

AB 265(Ammiano) Tenancies: unlawful detainer.
Introduced: 02/07/2011
Status: 02/18/2011-Referred to Com. on JUD.
Location: 02/18/2011-A JUD. Summary: Would increase the time of the notice period from 3 to 14 days.

AB 266(Ammiano) State government: sports authority.
Introduced: 02/07/2011
Status: 02/08/2011-From printer. May be heard in committee March 10.
Location: 02/07/2011-A PRINT Summary: Would set forth the findings and declarations of the Legislature with respect to obtaining and retaining professional sports teams within the state, and state the intent of the Legislature to enact legislation that will create a Statewide Sports Authority for the purposes of eliminating intrastate conflicts in the procurement of sports teams, coordinating efforts to procure and retain professional sports teams within the state, and helping to finance sports arenas within the state.

AB 267(Swanson) Employment contracts
Introduced: 02/07/2011
Status: 02/08/2011-From printer. May be heard in committee March 10.
Location: 02/07/2011-A PRINT Summary: Would make void and unenforceable as against public policy any provision in an employment contract that requires an employee, as a condition of obtaining or continuing employment, to use a forum other than California, or to agree to a choice of law other than California law, to resolve any dispute with an employer regarding employment-related issues that arise in California, and would make related changes.

AB 268(Smyth) Education.
Introduced: 02/07/2011
Status: 02/08/2011-From printer. May be heard in committee March 10.
Location: 02/07/2011-A PRINT Summary: Existing law states that each child is a unique person, with unique needs, and that the purpose of the educational system of this state is to enable each child to develop all of his or her own potential. This bill would make a technical, nonsubstantive change to this provision.

AB 269(Ma) Pupil health and safety.
Introduced: 02/07/2011
Status: 02/08/2011-From printer. May be heard in committee March 10.
Location: 02/07/2011-A PRINT Summary: Would express the intent of the Legislature to enact legislation that would improve the health and safety of elementary and secondary school pupils in this state.

AB 270(Perea) Satellite wagering.
Introduced: 02/07/2011
Status: 02/18/2011-Referred to Com. on G.O.
Location: 02/18/2011-A G.O. Summary: Would create an exception from that provision by authorizing a satellite facility to elect not to be subject to the requirements related to a satellite facility supervisor if the board of directors of the satellite facility, after a public hearing, deems those requirements to be not economically feasible.

AB 271(Nestande) Appeals: class actions.
Introduced: 02/07/2011
Status: 02/18/2011-Referred to Com. on JUD.
Location: 02/18/2011-A JUD. Summary: Would add an order granting or denying class action certification, allowing appeal from the order at the discretion of the court of appeal. The bill would specify various factors the court would be required to consider in determining whether to allow the appeal.

AB 272(Monning) Health care coverage: agency: reports.
Introduced: 02/07/2011
Status: 02/18/2011-Referred to Com. on HEALTH.
Location: 02/18/2011-A HEALTH
Calendar: 03/22/11 1:30 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 4202 ASM HEALTH Summary: Would delete those obsolete provisions. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.

AB 273(Valadao) Regulations: economic impacts review.
Introduced: 02/07/2011
Status: 02/08/2011-From printer. May be heard in committee March 10.
Location: 02/07/2011-A PRINT Summary: Would additionally require the department to adopt and update instructions for inclusion in the State Administrative Manual that prescribe the methods that any agency shall use in making certain determinations, estimates, statements, and findings relating to the economic and cost impacts of a regulation on businesses and private individuals. The bill would require, instead of authorize, the department to review these determinations, estimates, statements, and findings for content. This bill would require the department, if it determines that an agency’s determinations, estimates, statements, or findings are erroneous or otherwise inconsistent with the prescribed guidelines, criteria, or formats, to submit its determinations to the agency in the form of public comment to be considered by the agency, as specified.

AB 274(Garrick) Unemployment insurance benefits: claims: right to respond.
Introduced: 02/07/2011
Status: 02/18/2011-Referred to Com. on INS.
Location: 02/18/2011-A INS. Summary: Would extend the time in which the employing unit is required to submit those facts to 30 days and would make conforming changes to other related provisions.

AB 275(Solorio) Rainwater Capture Act of 2011.
Introduced: 02/07/2011
Status: 02/18/2011-Referred to Coms. on B., P. & C.P. and W., P. & W.
Location: 02/07/2011-A PRINT Summary: Would enact the Rainwater Capture Act of 2011, which would authorize landowners to install, maintain, and operate rain barrel systems, as defined, and rainwater capture systems, as defined, for specified purposes, provided that the systems comply with specified requirements. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.

AB 276(Alejo) Local government: financial reports.
Introduced: 02/07/2011
Status: 02/18/2011-Referred to Com. on L. GOV.
Location: 02/18/2011-A L. GOV. Summary: Would also include within the definition of local agency any joint powers agency, formed pursuant to the Joint Exercise of Powers Act, that issues conduit revenue bonds, and would require these joint powers agencies to furnish the Controller with the required financial reports. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.

AB 277(Galgiani) Public Utilities Commission: high-speed rail: power supply.
Introduced: 02/07/2011
Status: 02/18/2011-Referred to Com. on U. & C.
Location: 02/18/2011-A U. & C. Summary: Would require the commission to coordinate with the High-Speed Rail Authority to determine the power supply system requirements for high-speed rail operations. This bill contains other existing laws.

AB 278(Hill) Department of Real Estate: administrative fines.
Introduced: 02/08/2011
Status: 02/24/2011-Referred to Com. on B., P. & C.P.
Location: 02/08/2011-A PRINT Summary: Would authorize the commissioner to adopt regulations that establish a system for the issuance of citations to licensees who are in violation of the Real Estate Law or any regulation adopted thereunder. The bill would require citations to be in writing, to indicate the provisions of law violated by a licensee, and to inform a licensee that the licensee may request a hearing to contest the citation. The bill would authorize citations to include an order of abatement or an order to pay an administrative fine of up to $1,000. The bill would authorize the commissioner to take disciplinary action against a licensee who fails to pay a fine within 30 days of assessment of the fine, as specified. The bill would also authorize the commissioner to adopt regulations to establish a similar system for the issuance of administrative citations to unlicensed persons acting in the capacity of a licensee. The bill would require any fines collected pursuant to these provisions to be credited to the Recovery Account and made available for specified purposes upon appropriation by the Legislature.

AB 279(Garrick) Sales and use taxes: wireless communication devices: bundled transactions.
Introduced: 02/08/2011
Status: 02/24/2011-Referred to Com. on REV. & TAX.
Location: 02/24/2011-A REV. & TAX Summary: Would limit the gross receipts from a retail sale of a wireless telecommunication device sold in a bundled transaction with wireless telecommunication service to the bundled sales price of the wireless telecommunication device. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.

AB 280(Silva) Parimutuel tickets: alterations and counterfeiting.
Introduced: 02/08/2011
Status: 02/09/2011-From printer. May be heard in committee March 11.
Location: 02/08/2011-A PRINT Summary: Under existing law, the California Horse Racing Board is responsible for adopting rules and regulations for the protection of the public and the control of horse racing and parimutuel wagering, as well as enforcing all laws, rules, and regulations dealing with horse racing and parimutuel wagering. Existing law prohibits any person from altering or counterfeiting, or attempting to alter or counterfeit, any parimutuel ticket. This bill would make a technical, nonsubstantive change to that provision.

AB 281(Gorell) Employment: compensation.
Introduced: 02/08/2011
Status: 02/09/2011-From printer. May be heard in committee March 11.
Location: 02/08/2011-A PRINT Summary: Would make a nonsubstantive change to this provision.

AB 282(Gorell) Public schools.
Introduced: 02/08/2011
Status: 02/09/2011-From printer. May be heard in committee March 11.
Location: 02/08/2011-A PRINT Summary: Existing law specifies that public schools, other than those supported exclusively by the state, are day and evening elementary and secondary schools. This bill would make technical, nonsubstantive changes to that provision.

AB 283(Gorell) Property taxation: refunds.
Introduced: 02/08/2011
Status: 02/09/2011-From printer. May be heard in committee March 11.
Location: 02/08/2011-A PRINT Summary: Existing law requires property taxes to be refunded if, among other circumstances, the taxes were paid more than once, the taxes were illegally assessed or levied, or the taxes were paid on an assessment that was in excess of the value of the property, as specified. This bill would make a technical, nonsubstantive change to that provision.

AB 284(Nestande) Desert Renewable Energy Conservation Plan: Coachella Valley: exclusion.
Introduced: 02/08/2011
Status: 02/09/2011-From printer. May be heard in committee March 11.
Location: 02/08/2011-A PRINT Summary: Would exclude any area covered by the Coachella Valley Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan from the Desert Renewable Energy Conservation Plan.

AB 285(Furutani) Community colleges: property tax revenues.
Introduced: 02/08/2011
Status: 02/24/2011-Referred to Com. on HIGHER ED.
Location: 02/24/2011-A HIGHER ED. Summary: Would require the annual Budget Act to specify the total local property tax revenue, as defined, for community college districts upon which the General Fund appropriation for community college districts is based. This bill contains other related provisions.

AB 286(Berryhill, Bill) Streets and highways.
Introduced: 02/08/2011
Status: 02/09/2011-From printer. May be heard in committee March 11.
Location: 02/08/2011-A PRINT Summary: Existing law permits a city to lay out, acquire, and construct any section or portion of any street or highway within its jurisdiction as a freeway and to make any existing street or highway a freeway. Existing law permits a city to close and work on any street or highway within its jurisdiction for specified purposes, subject to approval of the Department of Transportation with regard to any action affecting a state highway. This bill would make a technical, nonsubstantive change to those provisions.

AB 287(Buchanan) Public officers: minors.
Introduced: 02/08/2011
Status: 02/09/2011-From printer. May be heard in committee March 11.
Location: 02/08/2011-A PRINT Summary: Existing law provides that a public officer who is a minor shall have the rights and liabilities of an adult, both civil and criminal, with regard to that public officer’s official duties, and a candidate for nomination or election to public office who is a minor shall have the rights and liabilities of an adult, both civil and criminal, with regard to that candidate’s activities as a candidate. This bill would make a technical, nonsubstantive change to these provisions.

AB 288(Fong) Public postsecondary education: community colleges: expulsion hearing.
Introduced: 02/08/2011
Status: 02/24/2011-Referred to Com. on HIGHER ED.
Location: 02/24/2011-A HIGHER ED. Summary: Would authorize the governing board of a district to either deny enrollment, permit enrollment, or permit conditional enrollment to any individual who has been expelled from a community college within the preceding 10 years, or who is, at the time of the application, undergoing expulsion procedures, for certain offenses, as provided, if the board determines that the person continues to pose a risk to the safety of others. This bill would authorize the board to hold a hearing before making the determination as to whether the person continues to pose a risk. The bill would authorize a governing board of a district to delegate its authority under these provisions to the superintendent or president of the district, or to his or her designee. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.

AB 289(Cedillo) Sales and use tax exemption: charitable thrift stores.
Introduced: 02/08/2011
Status: 02/24/2011-Referred to Com. on REV. & TAX.
Location: 02/24/2011-A REV. & TAX Summary: Would repeal that repeal date, thereby extending the operation of the exemption indefinitely. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.

AB 290(Buchanan) Target Area Contract Preference Act.
Introduced: 02/08/2011
Status: 02/09/2011-From printer. May be heard in committee March 11.
Location: 02/08/2011-A PRINT Summary: Existing law, the State Contract Act, generally governs contracting by state agencies. The Target Area Contract Preference Act requires a state agency to award a bidding preference to companies meeting specified requirements, and makes certain declarations in this regard. This bill would make technical, nonsubstantive changes to the Legislature’s declarations.

AB 291(Wieckowski) Hazardous materials: business plans.
Introduced: 02/08/2011
Status: 02/24/2011-Referred to Com. on E.S. & T.M.
Location: 02/24/2011-A E.S. & T.M. Summary: Would additionally require a business to adopt the plan or inventory for specified lesser or greater amounts of various classes of hazardous materials if the hazardous materials meets certain requirements. The administering agency would be required to make findings regarding the regulation of certain of these hazardous materials in consultation with the local fire chief. The bill would impose a state-mandated local program by imposing new duties upon administering agencies with regard to business plans. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.

AB 292(Galgiani) Apiaries.
Introduced: 02/08/2011
Status: 02/09/2011-From printer. May be heard in committee March 11.
Location: 02/08/2011-A PRINT Summary: Existing law requires every person who moves bees into the state or otherwise comes into possession of an apiary that is located within the state after the 1st day of January to register the number of colonies moved into the state or so acquired within 30 days after coming into possession of the apiary. Registration of an apiary is filed with the county agricultural commissioner of the county in which the apiary is located, or with the Secretary of Food and Agriculture if there is no commissioner in the county. The secretary also adopts a form of registration to be used statewide. This bill would make technical, nonsubstantive changes to the latter provisions.

AB 293(Hill) Vote by mail ballots.
Introduced: 02/09/2011
Status: 02/24/2011-Referred to Com. on E. & R.
Location: 02/24/2011-A E. & R. Summary: Would require the local elections official to establish a free access system by which a vote by mail voter may find out whether his or her ballot was counted and, if not, the reason why it was not counted, thereby imposing a state-mandated local program. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.

AB 294(Portantino) Design-sequencing contracts.
Introduced: 02/09/2011
Status: 02/24/2011-Referred to Com. on TRANS.
Location: 02/24/2011-A TRANS. Summary: Would reenact similar provisions, authorizing the department to let design-sequencing contracts for the design and construction of not more than 5 transportation projects, to be effective until January 1, 2015. The bill would require the department to compile data on the transportation projects pursuant to the design-sequencing contracts awarded under these provisions and to include that material in a report to the Legislature each year during which the projects are underway, as specified.

AB 295(Lowenthal, Bonnie) California Case Management System.
Introduced: 02/09/2011
Status: 02/10/2011-From printer. May be heard in committee March 12.
Location: 02/09/2011-A PRINT Summary: Existing law requires the Judicial Council to provide an annual status report to the chairpersons of the budget committee in each house of the Legislature and the Joint Legislative Budget Committee regarding the California Case Management System and Court Accounting and Reporting System, as specified. Existing law requires the Administrative Office of the Courts to annually provide to those chairpersons copies of any independent project oversight report for the California Case Management System. This bill would make technical, nonsubstantive changes to these provisions.

AB 296(Skinner) Global warming: urban heat island effects pavement.
Introduced: 02/09/2011
Status: 02/10/2011-From printer. May be heard in committee March 12.
Location: 02/09/2011-A PRINT Summary: Would state the intent of the Legislature to enact legislation that would regulate the reflectivity (albedo) of pavement to reduce the urban heat island effect.

AB 297(Galgiani) Public contracts: participation goals.
Introduced: 02/09/2011
Status: 02/10/2011-From printer. May be heard in committee March 12.
Location: 02/09/2011-A PRINT Summary: Existing law sets forth the policy of the state to aid the interests of specified business enterprises and establishes statewide participation goals with respect to state-awarded contracts for business enterprises meeting certain criteria. This bill would make technical, nonsubstantive changes to those provisions.

AB 298(Brownley) Recycling: reusable bags.
Introduced: 02/09/2011
Status: 02/24/2011-Referred to Com. on NAT. RES.
Location: 02/24/2011-A NAT. RES. Summary: Would until January 1, 2013, prohibit a manufacturer, as defined, from selling or distributing a reusable bag in this state, if the bag is designed or intended to be sold or distributed to a store’s customers, unless the reusable bag meets certain conditions regarding the cleaning and disinfection of the bag and the material of which the bag is composed.

AB 299(Eng) Finance lenders: consumer loans.
Introduced: 02/09/2011
Status: 02/10/2011-From printer. May be heard in committee March 12.
Location: 02/09/2011-A PRINT Summary: Existing law, the California Finance Lenders Law, provides for the licensure and regulation of finance lenders and brokers by the Department of Financial Institutions. Existing law provides for the regulation of consumer loans, as defined. Existing law provides for the regulation of precomputed charges with regard to loan contracts payable in monthly installments, as specified. This bill would make a technical, nonsubstantive change to that provision.

AB 300(Ma) Safe Body Art Act.
Introduced: 02/09/2011
Status: 02/24/2011-Referred to Com. on HEALTH.
Location: 02/24/2011-A HEALTH
Calendar: 03/22/11 1:30 p.m. – State Capitol, Room 4202 ASM HEALTH Summary: Would as of July 1, 2012, repeal these provisions and, instead, enact the Safe Body Art Act. The act would prohibit a person from performing body art, as defined, without registering annually with the local enforcement agency. The bill would require practitioners to comply with specified requirements, including, among other things, client information and questionnaires, vaccination, bloodborne pathogen training, and sanitation. The bill would also require the owner of a body art facility, as defined, to obtain and annually renew a health permit from the local enforcement agency, as specified, and to maintain the body art facility in a specified manner. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.

AB 301(Pan) Medi-Cal: managed care.
Introduced: 02/09/2011
Status: 02/24/2011-Referred to Com. on HEALTH.
Location: 02/24/2011-A HEALTH Summary: Would extend to January 1, 2018, the termination of the prohibition against CCS covered services being incorporated into a Medi-Cal managed care contract entered into after August 1, 1994.

AB 302(Garrick) Garment manufacturing: embroidering.
Introduced: 02/09/2011
Status: 02/24/2011-Referred to Com. on L. & E.
Location: 02/24/2011-A L. & E. Summary: Would specify that embroidering done by a small business, as defined, is not included within the definition of garment manufacturing.

AB 303(Knight) Sales and use taxes: exemption: business equipment.
Introduced: 02/09/2011
Status: 02/24/2011-Referred to Com. on REV. & TAX.
Location: 02/24/2011-A REV. & TAX Summary: Would until January 1, 2017, exempt from a specified portion of those taxes the gross receipts from the sale of, and the storage, use, or other consumption in this state, of tangible personal property, purchased for use by a qualified person, primarily in manufacturing or other processes, as specified or in research and development and for use by a contractor purchasing that property for use in a construction contract, as specified. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.

AB 304(Knight) Income taxes: credits: hiring credit.
Introduced: 02/09/2011
Status: 02/24/2011-Referred to Com. on REV. & TAX.
Location: 02/24/2011-A REV. & TAX Summary: Would under both laws, for taxable years beginning on and after January 1, 2011, and before January 1, 2015, allow a credit to a qualified employer, as defined, which includes an employer of 30 or more employees, of either $3,000 or $5,000, as specified, for each qualified employee, as defined, employed by the qualified employer during the taxable year. This bill contains other related provisions.

AB 305(Furutani) States agencies: use of a foreign language.
Introduced: 02/09/2011
Status: 02/24/2011-Referred to Com. on B., P. & C.P.
Location: 02/09/2011-A PRINT Summary: Would require the State Personnel Board to review the results of surveys and implementation plans to better inform the public about the language needs of California residents and the available resources of state agencies to meet those needs. This bill would require the report to identify state agencies that are not complying with specified existing laws, list state agencies and their respective field office or offices that have staffing deficiencies, list state agencies that have deficiencies in translated materials, and present key survey results and implementation plans by state agency and field office.

AB 306(Gatto) Energy: piezoelectric transducers: study.
Introduced: 02/09/2011
Status: 02/10/2011-From printer. May be heard in committee March 12.
Location: 02/09/2011-A PRINT Summary: Would require the Energy Commission to conduct research on the feasibility of generating electricity using piezoelectric transducers under major roadways as a renewable resource, by collaborating with the Department of Transportation to establish a pilot project that would employ piezo-based energy harvesting technology. The bill would allow the Energy Commission to expend the moneys in the Alternative and Renewable Fuel and Vehicle Technology Fund, upon appropriation by the Legislature, to implement this research as part of the Alternative and Renewable Fuel and Vehicle Technology Program. The Energy Commission would be required to report its findings in the integrated energy policy report adopted in 2013. These provisions would be repealed on January 1, 2015.

AB 307(Nestande) Joint powers agreements: public agency: federally recognized Indian tribe.
Introduced: 02/09/2011
Status: 02/24/2011-Referred to Com. on L. GOV.
Location: 02/24/2011-A L. GOV. Summary: Would include a federally recognized Indian tribe as a public agency that may enter into a joint powers agreement. This bill would also make conforming changes by repealing now redundant code sections. This bill contains other related provisions.

AB 308(Ammiano) Criminal investigations: eyewitness identification: lineups.
Introduced: 02/09/2011
Status: 02/24/2011-Referred to Coms. on JUD. and PUB. S.
Location: 02/24/2011-A JUD. Summary: Would declare the legislative intent that law enforcement officials adopt and implement the policies and procedures regulating eyewitness lineup identifications that are recommended by the California Commission on the Fair Administration of Justice in order to ensure that eyewitness identification procedures in California minimize the chance of misidentification of a suspect. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.

AB 309(Cook) Public officers: removal from office.
Introduced: 02/09/2011
Status: 02/10/2011-From printer. May be heard in committee March 12.
Location: 02/09/2011-A PRINT Summary: Would provide that an appointed or ex officio individual also vacates an office where the individual has been debarred, suspended, disqualified, or otherwise excluded from participating in federal “covered transactions,” as prescribed under federal law.

AB 310(Ma) Prescription drugs.
Introduced: 02/09/2011
Status: 02/24/2011-Referred to Com. on HEALTH.
Location: 02/24/2011-A HEALTH Summary: Would prohibit health care service plans and health insurers that offer prescription drug coverage from creating specialty tiers for prescription drugs that require payment by an enrollee or insured of a percentage cost of the drugs. The bill would also impose certain limitations on copayments and out-of-pocket expenses. The bill would make these provisions inoperative upon a determination by the department and commissioner that these provisions would result in additional costs to the state as a result of laws governing federal health care reform. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.

AB 311(Cook) Employment: labor standards: consultation unit.
Introduced: 02/09/2011
Status: 02/24/2011-Referred to Com. on L. & E.
Location: 02/24/2011-A L. & E. Summary: Would establish in the division the Labor Standards Consultation Unit for the purpose of providing consulting services to an employer or employee regarding compliance with labor standards. The bill would authorize the unit to charge a requester a fee for consulting services provided, not to exceed the actual cost to the unit, and to fund its operation from grants obtained from for-profit or not-for-profit nongovernmental entities. The bill would prohibit the division from citing an employer for a violation of any labor standard, order, or regulation discovered as a result of an employer requesting or accepting services from the unit pursuant to the bill if the employer remedies the violation within 30 days.

AB 312(Lowenthal, Bonnie) Civil rights: homeless persons.
Introduced: 02/09/2011
Status: 02/24/2011-Referred to Com. on JUD.
Location: 02/24/2011-A JUD. Summary: Would specify that homeless persons, as defined, are entitled to the personal rights set forth under existing law, and would provide that a homeless person has the right to be free from violence or intimidation by threat of violence directed against that person on the basis of that person’s status as a homeless person. The bill would also provide that these provisions shall not be construed to enlarge or diminish an existing duty, if any, by an owner of residential rental or commercial property to protect a homeless person who is present on the property from violence or intimidation by threats of violence.

AB 313(Monning) Residential care facilities for the elderly.
Introduced: 02/09/2011
Status: 02/24/2011-Referred to Com. on HUM. S.
Location: 02/24/2011-A HUM. S. Summary: Would require a licensed residential care facility for the elderly to provide a written notice to a resident, emergency contact person, and the office under specified conditions. By creating a new crime, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.

AB 314(Gorell) Court facilities.
Introduced: 02/09/2011
Status: 02/24/2011-Referred to Com. on B., P. & C.P.
Location: 02/09/2011-A PRINT Summary: Would instead require that contracts pertaining to the acquisition and construction of the court facilities to be subject to the provisions of the Public Contract Code, as provided. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.

AB 315(Solorio) Surplus line brokers.
Introduced: 02/09/2011
Status: 02/24/2011-Referred to Com. on INS.
Location: 02/24/2011-A INS. Summary: Would revise and recast the provisions governing surplus line brokers and nonadmitted insurers to make them consistent with the federal Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010, including, but not limited to, the duties, responsibilities, and licensure of surplus line brokers, taxation of surplus line insurance, and the eligibility of nonadmitted insurers to do business in this state. Certain provisions of the act would become operative on July 21, 2011. This bill contains other related provisions.

AB 316(Carter) Vehicles: theft inspection.
Introduced: 02/09/2011
Status: 02/10/2011-From printer. May be heard in committee March 12.
Location: 02/09/2011-A PRINT Summary: Would additionally authorize the above-designated law enforcement officers to conduct agricultural or construction vehicle theft investigations. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.

AB 317(Calderon, Charles) Energy: master-meter customers.
Introduced: 02/09/2011
Status: 02/24/2011-Referred to Com. on U. & C.
Location: 02/24/2011-A U. & C. Summary: Would provide that rebates do not include ratepayer funded incentives received by the master-meter customer as a result of investments in energy generation or efficiency, including the self-generation incentive program, the California Solar Initiative, and the Solar Water Heating and Efficiency Act of 2007.

AB 318(Skinner) Corporation taxes: Franchise Tax Board: tax expenditures: Reporting Transparency in Government Internet Web site.
Introduced: 02/09/2011
Status: 02/24/2011-Referred to Com. on REV. & TAX.
Location: 02/24/2011-A REV. & TAX Summary: Would for each taxable year on or after January 1, 2011, require the board to compile information on any tax expenditure claimed and reported by a taxpayer that is a publicly traded company, and would require, beginning on June 30, 2013, and by June 30 of each year thereafter, the board to submit the information to the California Technology Agency for publication on the Reporting Transparency in Government Internet Web site. This bill would require the California Technology Agency to develop on the Reporting Transparency in Government Internet Web site a searchable database of that information, as specified.


SB 144(Wyland) Employment: meal periods.
Introduced: 02/01/2011
Status: 02/10/2011-Referred to Com. on RLS.
Location: 02/10/2011-S RLS. Summary: Would make nonsubstantive changes to these provisions.

SB 145(Wyland) Public works: prevailing wage rates.
Introduced: 02/01/2011
Status: 02/10/2011-Referred to Com. on RLS.
Location: 02/10/2011-S RLS. Summary: Existing law requires, except for public works projects of $1,000 or less, that workers employed on public works be paid not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for work of a similar character in the locality that the public work is performed, and not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for holiday and overtime work fixed, as prescribed. Existing law requires the Director of Industrial Relations to determine the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for work of a similar character in the locality in which the public work is to be performed, and the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for holiday and overtime work. Existing law requires the body awarding a contract for public work to obtain from the Director of Industrial Relations the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for work of a similar character in the locality in which the public work is to be performed, and the general prevailing rate of per diem wages for holiday and overtime work. This bill would make technical, nonsubstantive changes to the provisions relating to the prevailing rate of per diem wages.

SB 146(Wyland) Healing arts: professional clinical counselors.
Introduced: 02/01/2011
Status: 02/10/2011-Referred to Coms. on B., P. & E.D. and JUD.
Location: 02/10/2011-S B., P. & E.D. Summary: Would make changes to various provisions concerning the practice of professional clinical counselors, clinical counselor trainees, and clinical counselor interns, including, but not limited to, provisions relating to education and training. The bill would authorize the formation of professional clinical counselor corporations for purposes of rendering professional services, subject to specified requirements. The bill would make conforming changes to the Moscone-Knox Professional Corporation Act and would authorize professional clinical counselors to be shareholders, officers, directors, or professional employees of other professional corporations, as specified. The bill would provide that a violation of these provisions constitutes a violation of the Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor Act, the violation of which is punishable as a crime, thereby imposing a state-mandated local program. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.

SB 147(Leno) Furniture: flammability standards.
Introduced: 02/01/2011
Status: 02/17/2011-Referred to Com. on B., P. & E.D.
Location: 02/17/2011-S B., P. & E.D. Summary: Would require the bureau, on or before March 1, 2013, to modify that flame retardance test regarding residential upholstered furniture to include an alternative flammability standard that can be met without the use of fire retardants and does not compromise public safety.

SB 148(Steinberg) Partnership academies: Clean Technology and Renewable Energy Job Training, Career Technical Education, and Dropout Prevention Program.
Introduced: 02/01/2011
Status: 02/10/2011-Referred to Coms. on ED. and E., U., & C.
Location: 02/10/2011-S ED. Summary: Would require the Controller annually to allocate $8,000,000 from the Energy Resources Program Account, upon appropriation by the Legislature, to the Superintendent of Public Instruction for expenditure in the form of grants to school districts to be allocated pursuant to the existing provisions for creating and maintaining partnership academies. The bill would require a grantee to implement or maintain a partnership academy that focuses on employment in clean technology businesses and renewable energy businesses and provides skilled workforces for the products and services for energy or water conservation, or both, renewable energy, pollution reduction, or other technologies. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.

SB 149(Correa) Mobilehomes.
Introduced: 02/01/2011
Status: 02/10/2011-Referred to Com. on RLS.
Location: 02/10/2011-S RLS. Summary: Existing law, the Mobilehome Residency Law, governs tenancies in mobilehome parks, and imposes various duties on the owners of mobilehome parks and the agents and representatives authorized to act on behalf of the owners. This bill would make a technical, nonsubstantive change to these provisions.

SB 150(Correa) Residential property: transfer disclosures.
Introduced: 02/01/2011
Status: 02/10/2011-Referred to Com. on RLS.
Location: 02/10/2011-S RLS. Summary: Existing law requires the transferor of real property or a manufactured home or mobilehome to disclose certain information prior to transferring the property. This bill would make a technical, nonsubstantive change to these provisions.

SB 151(Correa) State employees: memorandum of understanding.
Introduced: 02/01/2011
Status: 02/10/2011-Referred to Com. on P.E. & R.
Location: 02/10/2011-S P.E. & R. Summary: Would approve provisions of a memorandum of understanding entered into between the state employer and State Bargaining Unit 6, the California Correctional Peace Officers Association, that require the expenditure of funds, and would provide that these provisions will become effective even if these provisions are approved by the Legislature in legislation other than the annual Budget Act. This bill contains other related provisions.

SB 152(Pavley) Public lands: general leasing law: littoral landowners.
Introduced: 02/01/2011
Status: 02/10/2011-Referred to Com. on G.O.
Location: 02/10/2011-S G.O. Summary: Would repeal this law.

SB 153(Strickland) State boards and commissions: salaries: suspension.
Introduced: 02/02/2011
Status: 02/10/2011-Referred to Com. on G.O.
Location: 02/10/2011-S G.O. Summary: Would prohibit members appointed to specified state boards and commissions from receiving a salary for the 2012-13, 2013-14, and 2014-15 fiscal years. This bill would authorize a member of a state board or commission who is prohibited from receiving a salary under these provisions to receive a specified per diem payment during those fiscal years.

SB 154(Wolk) Marriage licenses: vital records: fees: domestic violence: Solano County.
Introduced: 02/02/2011
Status: 02/10/2011-Referred to Com. on JUD.
Location: 02/10/2011-S JUD. Summary: Would extend the operation of the above-described provisions indefinitely. This bill contains other existing laws.

SB 155(Evans) Maternity services.
Introduced: 02/02/2011
Status: 02/10/2011-Referred to Com. on HEALTH.
Location: 02/10/2011-S HEALTH Summary: Would require new forms for health insurance policies submitted to the department after January 1, 2012, to provide coverage for maternity services, as defined. With respect to policy forms on file with the department as of January 1, 2012, the bill would require health insurers to submit to the department, on or before March 1, 2012, revised policy forms that provide coverage for maternity services and would require insurers to include that coverage in the corresponding policies that are issued, amended, or renewed following the department’s approval of the revised forms, as specified.

SB 156(Emmerson) Income tax: credits: full-time employees: hires.
Introduced: 02/02/2011
Status: 02/10/2011-Referred to Com. on Gov. & F.
Location: 02/10/2011-S G. & F. Summary: Would under both laws, for taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2012, expand the definition of “qualified employer” to mean a taxpayer that employed 50 or fewer employees as of the last day of the preceding taxable year. This bill contains other related provisions.

SB 157(Anderson) Private sector job creation.
Introduced: 02/02/2011
Status: 02/10/2011-Referred to Com. on RLS.
Location: 02/10/2011-S RLS. Summary: Would express the intent of the Legislature to enact legislation to promote private sector job creation in the state.

SB 158(Huff) Community redevelopment commission.
Introduced: 02/02/2011
Status: 02/10/2011-Referred to Com. on RLS.
Location: 02/10/2011-S RLS. Summary: Would make a nonsubstantive change to the definition of the term “community.”

SB 159(Huff) Redevelopment.
Introduced: 02/02/2011
Status: 02/10/2011-Referred to Com. on RLS.
Location: 02/10/2011-S RLS. Summary: Would make a nonsubstantive change to a provision in the redevelopment law.

SB 160(Huff) Local government: reorganization.
Introduced: 02/02/2011
Status: 02/10/2011-Referred to Com. on RLS.
Location: 02/10/2011-S RLS. Summary: The Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization Act of 2000 provides the exclusive authority and procedure for the initiation, conduct, and completion of changes of organization and reorganization for cities and districts, except as specified. This bill would make a technical, nonsubstantive change to that act.

SB 161(Huff) Schools: emergency medical assistance: administration of epilepsy medication.
Introduced: 02/02/2011
Status: 02/10/2011-Referred to Coms. on ED. and HEALTH.
Location: 02/10/2011-S ED. Summary: Would authorize a school district to provide school employees with voluntary emergency medical training to provide, in the absence of a credentialed school nurse or other licensed nurse onsite at the school, emergency medical assistance to pupils with epilepsy suffering from seizures, in accordance with performance standards developed by specified entities. The bill would authorize the State Department of Public Health to approve the performance standards for distribution and make the standards available upon request. The bill would allow a parent or guardian of a pupil with epilepsy who has been prescribed Diastat by the pupil’s health care provider to request the pupil’s school to have one or more of its employees receive voluntary training, as specified, in order to administer Diastat, as defined, in the event that the pupil suffers a seizure when a nurse is not available. The bill would require a school that decides to train school employees to distribute an electronic notice, as specified, to all staff regarding the request. The bill would make various legislative findings and declarations and state the intent of the Legislature in enacting this measure. The bill would repeal these provisions on January 1, 2017.

SB 162(Anderson) California Gambling Control Commission: Gaming Policy Advisory Committee.
Introduced: 02/02/2011
Status: 02/10/2011-Referred to Com. on G.O.
Location: 02/10/2011-S G.O. Summary: Would require the advisory committee to meet at least twice a year and would require the commission to consult with the committee on recommended proposed regulations.

SB 163(Evans) Attorneys: annual membership fee.
Introduced: 02/02/2011
Status: 02/10/2011-Referred to Com. on JUD.
Location: 02/10/2011-S JUD. Summary: Would require the board to charge that annual membership fee for active members for 2012.

SB 164(Simitian) Personal income tax: voluntary contributions: State Children’s Trust: and Rare and Endangered Species Preservation Program: extension.
Introduced: 02/02/2011
Status: 02/10/2011-Referred to Com. on Gov. & F.
Location: 02/10/2011-S G. & F. Summary: Would change the January 1, 2013, repeal dates to January 1, 2018.

SB 165(La Malfa) Elections: vote by mail ballot processing.
Introduced: 02/03/2011
Status: 02/17/2011-Referred to Com. on RLS.
Location: 02/17/2011-S RLS. Summary: Would make a nonsubstantive change to these provisions.

SB 166(Steinberg) Health care coverage: autism spectrum disorders.
Introduced: 02/03/2011
Status: 02/17/2011-Referred to Com. on RLS.
Location: 02/17/2011-S RLS. Summary: Would state the intent of the Legislature to enact legislation that would develop standards for the diagnosis and treatment by health care service plans and health insurers of individuals with autism spectrum disorders.

SB 167(Huff) Sale and use tax.
Introduced: 02/03/2011
Status: 02/17/2011-Referred to Com. on RLS.
Location: 02/17/2011-S RLS. Summary: Would make nonsubstantive, technical changes to this provision.

SB 168(Corbett) Petitions: compensation for signatures.
Introduced: 02/03/2011
Status: 02/17/2011-Referred to Coms. on E. & C.A. and PUB. S.
Location: 02/03/2011-S PRINT Summary: Would provide that it is a misdemeanor for a person to pay or to receive money or any other thing of value based on the number of signatures obtained on a state or local initiative, referendum, or recall petition and would prescribe penalties for doing so. By creating a new crime, the bill would impose a state-mandated local program. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.

SB 169(Gaines) Insurers: examination fees.
Introduced: 02/03/2011
Status: 02/17/2011-Referred to Com. on INS.
Location: 02/17/2011-S INS. Summary: Would delete the provision relating to revenue raised during the 1996-97 fiscal year. This bill contains other existing laws.

SB 170(Pavley) South Coast Air Quality Management District: adverse effects of air pollution: intellectual property.
Introduced: 02/03/2011
Status: 02/17/2011-Referred to Com. on E.Q.
Location: 02/17/2011-S E.Q. Summary: Would authorize the south coast district to sponsor, coordinate, and promote projects that will lead to the prevention, mitigation, or cure of the adverse effects of air pollution, including the adverse health effects of air pollution. The bill would authorize the south coast district to determine what share, if any, of the intellectual property, or benefits resulting from intellectual property, developed from the use of district funds, including funds discharged as grants, will accrue to the south coast district.

SB 171(Wolk) Property tax revenue allocations: Cordelia Fire Protection District.
Introduced: 02/03/2011
Status: 02/19/2011-Set for hearing March 16.
Location: 02/17/2011-S G. & F.
Calendar: 03/16/11 9:30 a.m. – John L. Burton Hearing Room (4203) SEN GOVERNANCE AND FINANCE Summary: Would for the 2011-12 fiscal year, decrease by $58,310 the total amount of property tax revenue deemed allocated to the Solano County ERAF for the Cordelia Fire Protection District for the prior fiscal year. This bill would also require that these allocation adjustments be incorporated into property tax revenue allocations for future fiscal years. This bill would also require the Director of Finance to ensure that this change does not result in an increase in the amount of a reduction under these provisions for any other special district. This bill would make findings and declarations regarding the necessity of a special statute. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.

SB 172(Huff) School districts: Open Enrollment Act.
Introduced: 02/03/2011
Status: 02/17/2011-Referred to Com. on RLS.
Location: 02/17/2011-S RLS. Summary: Existing law, the Open Enrollment Act, authorizes the parent of a pupil enrolled in a low-achieving school, as defined, to submit an application for the pupil to attend another school in the district of residence or a school in a school district other than the school district in which the parent of the pupil resides. A school district may adopt specific, written standards for acceptance and rejection of applications made pursuant to the act. The standards may include consideration of the capacity of a program, class, grade level, school building, or adverse financial impact. The standards are prohibited from including consideration of a pupil’s previous academic achievement, physical condition, proficiency in the English language, family income, disability, gender, nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or any other specified individual characteristics. Existing law encourages school districts to keep an accounting of requests for alternative attendance made pursuant to the act. This bill would make technical, nonsubstantive changes to the definitions of terms used in the act.

SB 173(Simitian) Health care coverage: mammograms.
Introduced: 02/07/2011
Status: 02/17/2011-Referred to Com. on HEALTH.
Location: 02/17/2011-S HEALTH Summary: Would require those health care service plan contracts and health insurance policies to include additional benefits for comprehensive ultrasound screening under specified circumstances. The bill would require a patient receiving treatment under those coverage provisions to also receive information on breast density, as specified. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.

SB 174(Emmerson) Community care facilities.
Introduced: 02/07/2011
Status: 02/17/2011-Referred to Com. on RLS.
Location: 02/17/2011-S RLS. Summary: Existing law, the California Community Care Facilities Act, provides for the licensure and regulation of community care and residential facilities by the State Department of Social Services. This bill would make technical, nonsubstantive changes to these provisions.

SB 175(Corbett) Public contracts: bid preferences: solar photovoltaic system.
Introduced: 02/07/2011
Status: 02/17/2011-Referred to Com. on G.O.
Location: 02/17/2011-S G.O. Summary: Would require a state agency that accepts bids or proposals for a contract for the purchase or installation of a solar photovoltaic system, as defined, to provide a 15% preference to a business that certifies that all of the solar panels installed as part of the solar photovoltaic system have been manufactured in California, in accordance with specified criteria.

SB 176(Emmerson) In-Home Supportive Services.
Introduced: 02/07/2011
Status: 02/17/2011-Referred to Com. on RLS.
Location: 02/17/2011-S RLS. Summary: Existing law provides for the county-administered In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) program, under which qualified aged, blind, and disabled persons are provided with services in order to permit them to remain in their own homes and avoid institutionalization. This bill would make a technical, nonsubstantive change to an IHSS program provision.

SB 177(Strickland) Congregate living health facilities.
Introduced: 02/07/2011
Status: 02/17/2011-Referred to Com. on HEALTH.
Location: 02/17/2011-S HEALTH Summary: Would extend the above-described prohibition to a congregate living health facility that is located in a county with a population of 400,000 or more persons. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.

SB 178(Simitian) Hazardous materials: green chemistry.
Introduced: 02/07/2011
Status: 02/17/2011-Referred to Com. on E.Q.
Location: 02/17/2011-S E.Q. Summary: Would authorize the panel to review regulations proposed for adoption under the provisions regulating these chemicals of concern and to make recommendations to the department on related scientific and technical matters.

SB 179(Pavley) Sex offenders: parole.
Introduced: 02/07/2011
Status: 02/17/2011-Referred to Com. on PUB. S.
Location: 02/17/2011-S PUB. S. Summary: Provides that for any person subject to a sexually violent predator proceeding, as specified, an order issued by a judge pursuant to specified provisions, finding that the petition supports a finding of probable cause to believe that the person is likely to engage in sexually violent criminal behavior upon his or her release, shall toll the period of parole of that person, from the date that person is released until a specified court order is entered. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.

SB 180(Corbett) Consumer transactions: public social services: unreasonable fees.
Introduced: 02/07/2011
Status: 02/17/2011-Referred to Com. on JUD. Re-referred to Coms. on V.A. and JUD.
Location: 02/17/2011-S V. A. Summary: Would include activities and functions administered or supervised by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs, including pension benefits, as public social services for purposes of that prohibition.

SB 181(Liu) Public postsecondary education: student fee policy.
Introduced: 02/07/2011
Status: 02/17/2011-Referred to Com. on ED.
Location: 02/17/2011-S ED. Summary: Would prohibit any increase in the mandatory systemwide fees charged to a resident undergraduate student enrolled in the University of California or the California State University adopted on or after July 1, 2012, from being effective before 3 months have elapsed after the date on which the fee increase is adopted. The bill would also require the regents and the Trustees of the California State University to develop methodologies for the adjustment of fees in accordance with a prescribed procedure. The bill, commencing with the 2012-13 academic year, would require the Legislative Analyst’s Office to annually review, and report to the Legislature, its findings, conclusions, or recommendations regarding the implementation of policies implemented pursuant to the bill. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.

SB 182(Corbett) Judiciary: demographic data.
Introduced: 02/07/2011
Status: 02/17/2011-Referred to Com. on JUD.
Location: 02/17/2011-S JUD. Summary: Would expand these provisions to include the collection and release of demographic data relative to gender identity and sexual orientation. This bill contains other related provisions.

SB 183(Correa) Ballots: identifying information.
Introduced: 02/07/2011
Status: 02/17/2011-Referred to Com. on E. & C.A.
Location: 02/07/2011-S PRINT Summary: Would instead prohibit a voter from placing personal information, as defined, upon a ballot that identifies the voter. The bill would provide that a ballot that contains personal information is not invalid. The bill would delete the requirement that a ballot marked in a manner so as to identify the voter is void and instead require a ballot that contains personal information to be segregated in a specified manner and would require that a duplicate ballot be prepared. By adding to the duties of local elections officials, the bill would impose a state-mandated local program. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.

SB 184(Leno) Land use: zoning regulations.
Introduced: 02/07/2011
Status: 02/17/2011-Referred to Com. on RLS.
Location: 02/17/2011-S RLS. Summary: The Planning and Zoning Law authorizes a city or county to adopt ordinances regulating zoning within its jurisdiction, as specified. This bill would make a technical, nonsubstantive change in that law.

SB 185(Hernandez) Public postsecondary education.
Introduced: 02/07/2011
Status: 02/17/2011-Referred to Com. on RLS.
Location: 02/17/2011-S RLS. Summary: Would authorize the University of California and the California State University to consider geographic origin and household income, along with other relevant factors, in undergraduate and graduate admissions. The bill would also authorize the University of California and the California State University to consider race, gender, ethnicity, and national origin, along with other relevant factors, in undergraduate and graduate admissions, to the maximum extent permitted by the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution and relevant case law. This bill contains other related provisions.

SB 186(Kehoe) The Controller.
Introduced: 02/07/2011
Status: 02/19/2011-Set for hearing March 16.
Location: 02/17/2011-S G. & F.
Calendar: 03/16/11 9:30 a.m. – John L. Burton Hearing Room (4203) SEN GOVERNANCE AND FINANCE Summary: Would authorize the Controller to exercise discretionary authority to perform an audit or investigation of any county, city, special district, or redevelopment agency, if necessary, to ensure compliance with state law, grant agreements, local ordinances, and to determine fiscal viability. This bill would require the Controller to prepare a report of the results of the audit or investigation and to file a copy with the local legislative body. This bill would also provide that specified costs incurred by the Controller shall be borne by the county, city, or redevelopment agency and state that reimbursements collected, upon appropriation to the Controller, be available to offset costs of enforcing this provision.

SB 187(Harman) Family law.
Introduced: 02/07/2011
Status: 02/17/2011-Referred to Com. on RLS.
Location: 02/17/2011-S RLS. Summary: Existing provisions governing family law define “state” to include, a state, the District of Columbia, or a commonwealth, a territory, or an insular possession subject to the jurisdiction of the United States. This bill would make a technical, nonsubstantive change to that definition.

SB 188(Harman) Civil actions: jurisdiction.
Introduced: 02/07/2011
Status: 02/17/2011-Referred to Com. on RLS.
Location: 02/17/2011-S RLS. Summary: Existing law authorizes a court to exercise jurisdiction on any basis not inconsistent with the California or the United States Constitutions. Existing law also requires a court to stay or dismiss an action in whole or in part on any conditions that may be just when the court finds that in the interest of substantial justice an action should be heard in a forum outside of the state. This bill would make a technical, nonsubstantive change to these provisions.

SB 189(Anderson) Education finance: categorical education programs: flexibility.
Introduced: 02/08/2011
Status: 02/17/2011-Referred to Com. on RLS.
Location: 02/17/2011-S RLS. Summary: Would state the intent of the Legislature to enact legislation that would provide for a study of categorical education program flexibility.

SB 190(Lowenthal) Mechanics liens.
Introduced: 02/08/2011
Status: 02/17/2011-Referred to Com. on JUD.
Location: 02/17/2011-S JUD. Summary: Would also require that a person forfeit his or her lien if the person willfully includes labor or materials in a lien claim that were not furnished to the property in the claim.

SB 191(Committee on Governance and Finance) Validations.
Introduced: 02/08/2011
Status: 02/19/2011-Set for hearing March 16.
Location: 02/17/2011-S G. & F.
Calendar: 03/16/11 9:30 a.m. – John L. Burton Hearing Room (4203) SEN GOVERNANCE AND FINANCE Summary: Would enact the First Validating Act of 2011, which would validate the organization, boundaries, acts, proceedings, and bonds of the state and counties, cities, and specified districts, agencies, and entities. This bill contains other related provisions.

SB 192(Committee on Governance and Finance) Validations.
Introduced: 02/08/2011
Status: 02/19/2011-Set for hearing March 16.
Location: 02/17/2011-S G. & F.
Calendar: 03/16/11 9:30 a.m. – John L. Burton Hearing Room (4203) SEN GOVERNANCE AND FINANCE Summary: Would enact the Second Validating Act of 2011, which would validate the organization, boundaries, acts, proceedings, and bonds of the state and counties, cities, and specified districts, agencies, and entities. This bill contains other related provisions.

SB 193(Committee on Governance and Finance) Validations.
Introduced: 02/08/2011
Status: 02/19/2011-Set for hearing March 16.
Location: 02/17/2011-S G. & F.
Calendar: 03/16/11 9:30 a.m. – John L. Burton Hearing Room (4203) SEN GOVERNANCE AND FINANCE Summary: Would enact the Third Validating Act of 2011, which would validate the organization, boundaries, acts, proceedings, and bonds of the state and counties, cities, and specified districts, agencies, and entities.

SB 194(Committee on Governance and Finance) Local government: omnibus bill.
Introduced: 02/08/2011
Status: 02/19/2011-Set for hearing April 27.
Location: 02/17/2011-S G. & F.
Calendar: 04/27/11 9:30 a.m. – Room 112 SEN GOVERNANCE AND FINANCE Summary: Would increase the maximum amount from $1,000 to $5,000. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.

SB 195(Cannella) Pest control: regulations.
Introduced: 02/08/2011
Status: 02/17/2011-Referred to Com. on RLS.
Location: 02/17/2011-S RLS. Summary: Existing law governs pest control operations in this state in order to, among other stated purposes, protect public health and safety and protect the environment. Existing law establishes the Department of Pesticide Regulation within the California Environmental Protection Agency, under the control of the Director of Pesticide Regulation, to administer these provisions. Existing law requires the Director of Pesticide Regulation to adopt regulations that govern the conduct of the business of pest control. This bill would make a technical, nonsubstantive change to the latter provision.

SB 196(Cannella) State agriculture: informational materials.
Introduced: 02/08/2011
Status: 02/17/2011-Referred to Com. on RLS.
Location: 02/17/2011-S RLS. Summary: Existing law requires the Department of Food and Agriculture to issue and cause to be printed and distributed to county agricultural commissioners, and to other persons as specified, illustrative materials or statements which contain information which is best adapted to advance the interest, business, and development of agriculture in the state. Existing law also authorizes the department to broadcast portions of illustrative materials or statements to exhibit or display data and material that have been collected or prepared, and to incur expenses which are necessarily incidental to the exhibit or display of that data and material. This bill would make technical, nonsubstantive changes to those provisions.

SB 197(Cannella) Veterans affairs: administration.
Introduced: 02/08/2011
Status: 02/17/2011-Referred to Com. on RLS.
Location: 02/17/2011-S RLS. Summary: Existing law requires the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to conduct audits, as specified by statute, on internal controls, and to provide those audits to the inspector general. The bill would make technical, nonsubstantive changes to those provisions.

SB 198(Cannella) State militia: Adjutant General: duties.
Introduced: 02/08/2011
Status: 02/17/2011-Referred to Com. on RLS.
Location: 02/17/2011-S RLS. Summary: Existing law requires the Adjutant General to perform various duties with regard to the National Guard as are prescribed in the Military and Veterans Code and any additional duties that are consistent with the regulations and customs of the federal military organizations, as specified. This bill would make technical, nonsubstantive changes to that provision.

SB 199(Correa) Elections: vote by mail ballots.
Introduced: 02/08/2011
Status: 02/17/2011-Referred to Com. on E. & C.A.
Location: 02/08/2011-S PRINT Summary: Would permit a voter to return a vote by mail ballot to any polling place in the state, and in the case of a vote by mail ballot returned to a precinct located in a county other than the county of the elections official who issued the ballot, would require the elections official of the precinct at which the ballot is returned to forward the ballot to the elections official who issued the ballot. By imposing additional duties on local elections officials, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.

SB 200(Wolk) State water facilities: Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta: Delta conveyance facility.
Introduced: 02/08/2011
Status: 02/17/2011-Referred to Coms. on N.R. & W. and E.Q.
Location: 02/17/2011-S N.R. & W. Summary: Would prohibit the construction of a new Delta conveyance facility, as defined, unless specified conditions are met, including (A) the adoption of an agreement by the Department of Water Resources and the Department of Fish and Game that specifies the stages of construction of the new Delta conveyance facility and (B) the establishment plans and agreements for the construction of specified water facilities and implementation of specified water programs meeting prescribed conditions as part of the state Central Valley Project. The bill would prohibit the transportation of water for the federal Central Valley Project through state project facilities, with specified exceptions, unless certain conditions are met. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.

SB 201(DeSaulnier) Flexible purpose corporations: corporate mergers.
Introduced: 02/08/2011
Status: 02/24/2011-Set for hearing April 6.
Location: 02/17/2011-S B. & F.
Calendar: 04/06/11 1:30 p.m. – Room 112 SEN BANKING AND FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS Summary: Would enact the Corporate Flexibility Act of 2011 and would authorize and regulate the formation and operation of a new form of corporate entity known as a flexible purpose corporation. The bill would authorize existing corporations and other forms of business entities to merge into or convert into a flexible purpose corporation upon completion of specified requirements, including approval of the transaction by a supermajority 2/3 vote of shareholders, or a greater vote if required in the articles, as specified. The bill would also authorize a flexible purpose corporation to convert into a nonprofit corporation, a corporation, or a domestic other business entity, upon satisfaction of equivalent conditions. The bill would also provide dissenters’ rights of appraisal for shareholders voting against certain transactions, as specified. The bill would specify the required and permitted contents of articles of incorporation that a flexible purpose corporation would be required to file with the Secretary of State, including the special purposes, in addition to any other lawful purpose, that the corporation shall engage in, that may include, but not be limited to, charitable and public purpose activities that could be carried out by a nonprofit public benefit corporation. The bill would also require management and directors to specify objectives for measuring the impact of the flexible purpose corporation’s efforts relating to its special purpose, and to include an analysis of those efforts in annual reports, together with specified financial statements, to shareholders and would require specified information to be made publicly available, as specified. The bill would also specify that a flexible purpose corporation is subject to many existing provisions of the Corporations Code. The bill would also make conforming changes. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.

SB 202(Hancock) Ballot initiatives: filing fees.
Introduced: 02/08/2011
Status: 02/17/2011-Referred to Com. on E. & C.A.
Location: 02/08/2011-S PRINT Summary: Would find that the current $200 fee is inadequate to cover the costs to the state to process a proposed initiative and would increase the filing fee from $200 to $2,000.

SB 203(Correa) County employee retirement: boards.
Introduced: 02/08/2011
Status: 02/17/2011-Referred to Com. on P.E. & R.
Location: 02/17/2011-S P.E. & R. Summary: Would delete the authority of the board to prohibit, by a resolution or regulation of the board, a member from having the same rights, privileges, responsibilities, and access to closed sessions as the 2nd, 3rd, 7th, or 8th member, or from holding positions on committees of the board, and participating in board or committee deliberations, as described above. The bill would authorize the alternate 7th member to participate in the deliberations of the board on any of its committees to which the alternate 7th member has been appointed regardless of whether the 2nd, 3rd, 7th, or 8th member is present. The bill would require the board to cause an election to be held at the earliest possible date to fill a vacancy for the duration of the current term, except as specified, if there is a vacancy in the 2nd, 3rd, 7th, 8th, or alternate 7th member position. It would limit candidacy to the 7th member and alternate member positions, as specified. The bill would require the board of supervisors to forgo an election in specified circumstances when there is only one candidate. The bill would also make various changes in terminology and delete obsolete references. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.

SB 204(Liu) Education governance.
Introduced: 02/08/2011
Status: 02/17/2011-Referred to Com. on ED.
Location: 02/17/2011-S ED. Summary: Would require that the 10 nonstudent appointees to the state board represent, and reside in, different geographical areas of the state, reflect the ethnic and gender diversity of the state’s population, and represent the various disciplines active in the public education system. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.

SB 205(Correa) Voter registration: paid registration activities.
Introduced: 02/08/2011
Status: 02/17/2011-Referred to Com. on E. & C.A.
Location: 02/08/2011-S PRINT Summary: Would prohibit any person, company, or other organization from agreeing to pay money or other valuable consideration on a per-affidavit basis to any person who assists another person to register to vote by receiving the completed affidavit of registration, would prohibit the receipt of this per-affidavit consideration, and would make conforming changes. A violation of these prohibitions would be a misdemeanor. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.

SB 206(Kehoe) Claim against the state: appropriation.
Introduced: 02/08/2011
Status: 02/17/2011-Referred to Com. on APPR.
Location: 02/17/2011-S APPR. Summary: Would appropriate an unspecified amount from the General Fund to the Attorney General to pay a specific judgment. This bill contains other related provisions.

SB 207(Kehoe) State claims.
Introduced: 02/08/2011
Status: 02/17/2011-Referred to Com. on APPR.
Location: 02/17/2011-S APPR. Summary: Existing law requires the California Victim Compensation and Government Claims Board to ensure that all claims that have been approved by the board and for which there exists no legally available appropriation are submitted for legislative approval at least twice each calendar year. This bill declares the intent of the Legislature to appropriate funds for the payment of claims allowed by the board. This bill contains other related provisions.

SB 208(Alquist) Identity theft: restitution.
Introduced: 02/08/2011
Status: 02/17/2011-Referred to Com. on PUB. S.
Location: 02/17/2011-S PUB. S. Summary: Would authorize restitution for expenses to monitor an identity theft victim’s credit report and for the costs to repair the victim’s credit for a period of time reasonably necessary to make the victim whole, as specified. This bill contains other related provisions.

SB 209(Corbett) Common interest developments: electric vehicle charging stations.
Introduced: 02/08/2011
Status: 02/17/2011-Referred to Com. on T. & H.
Location: 02/17/2011-S T. & H. Summary: Would provide that any covenant, restriction, or condition contained in any deed, contract, security instrument, or other instrument affecting the transfer or sale of any interest in a common interest development, or any provision of the governing documents of a common interest development, that effectively prohibits or restricts the installation or use of an electrical vehicle charging station is void and unenforceable. The bill would authorize an association, as defined, to impose reasonable restrictions on those stations, as specified, and would impose requirements with respect to an association’s approval process for those stations. An association that violates the bill’s provisions would be liable for damages and a civil penalty, as specified.

SB 210(Hancock) Prisoners: alternative incarceration.
Introduced: 02/08/2011
Status: 02/17/2011-Referred to Com. on PUB. S.
Location: 02/17/2011-S PUB. S. Summary: Would state findings and declarations of the Legislature relative to alternative incarceration for nonviolent inmates. The bill would authorize the Secretary of the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation to enter into contracts with Alternative Incarceration Facilities, as defined, for housing certain nonviolent inmates who meet certain criteria. The bill would authorize the secretary to adopt regulations to implement those purposes, set forth criteria for inmates to meet in order to be transferred to Alternative Incarceration Facilities, and establish a compensation scheme for owners of those facilities. The bill would require a retired, correctional officer with certain experience to always be present at each facility for purposes of providing certain technical assistance.

SB 211(Emmerson) California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: tire inflation regulation: enforcement.
Introduced: 02/08/2011
Status: 02/17/2011-Referred to Coms. on T. & H. and E.Q.
Location: 02/17/2011-S T. & H. Summary: Would require the state board to enforce and implement this regulation consistent with certain requirements. The bill would limit penalties for a violation of the requirements of this regulation to a civil penalty of not more than $20 for the first offense and not more than $50 for each subsequent offense. The bill would prohibit the imposition of a civil or criminal penalty upon a customer of an automobile service provider for a violation of the requirements of the regulation.

SB 212(León, De) Pawnbrokers.
Introduced: 02/08/2011
Status: 02/24/2011-Set for hearing April 6.
Location: 02/17/2011-S B. & F.
Calendar: 04/06/11 1:30 p.m. – Room 112 SEN BANKING AND FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS Summary: Would provide that the signature of the pledgor is not required for these new loans if the pledgor remits payment of fees and charges due under the original loan contract by mail or proxy and certain other conditions are satisfied. The bill would require a pawnbroker to return a pledgor’s proposed payment in the same manner it was provided to the pawnbroker if the pawnbroker rejects the payment made by mail or other method. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.

SB 213(Hancock) Full service community schools.
Introduced: 02/08/2011
Status: 02/17/2011-Referred to Com. on RLS.
Location: 02/17/2011-S RLS. Summary: Would express the intent of the Legislature to enact legislation that would establish guidelines, as specified, for full service community schools that would support pupils on or near schoolsites in order for those pupils to be successful in school.

SB 214(Wolk) Infrastructure financing districts: voter approval: repeal.
Introduced: 02/08/2011
Status: 02/17/2011-Referred to Com. on Gov. & F.
Location: 02/17/2011-S G. & F. Summary: Would eliminate the requirement of voter approval and authorize the legislative body to create the district, adopt the plan, and issue the bonds by resolutions. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.

SB 215(Huff) Invasive aquatic species: mussels.
Introduced: 02/09/2011
Status: 02/17/2011-Referred to Com. on N.R. & W.
Location: 02/17/2011-S N.R. & W. Summary: Would delete that repeal provision, thereby extending the operation of these provisions indefinitely. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.

SB 216(Yee) Public utilities: intrastate natural gas pipeline safety.
Introduced: 02/09/2011
Status: 02/17/2011-Referred to Com. on E., U., & C.
Location: 02/17/2011-S E. U., & C. Summary: Would designate the commission as the state authority responsible for development, submission, and administration of a state pipeline safety program certification for natural gas pipelines and for the implementation and enforcement of a one-call notification program for the state. The bill would require the commission to evaluate current practices and to determine whether compatible safety standards, as defined, should be adopted for the enhancement of public safety with respect to: (1) the proximity of pipelines carrying liquid materials to commission-regulated gas pipeline facilities, as defined, and (2) the installation, maintenance, location, and type of sectionalized block valves on commission-regulated gas pipeline facilities. The bill would require the commission, unless it determines that doing so is preempted under federal law, to adopt compatible safety standards that require the installation of automatic shut-off or remote controlled sectionalized block valves on all commission-regulated gas pipeline facilities that are located in a high consequence area, as defined, or that traverse an active seismic earthquake fault. The bill would require the commission, in consultation with the PHMSA, to adopt and enforce compatible safety standards, as defined, for commission-regulated gas pipeline facilities that the commission determines should be adopted following its evaluation or as required by the bill. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.

SB 217(Vargas) Pawnbrokers.
Introduced: 02/09/2011
Status: 02/24/2011-Set for hearing April 6.
Location: 02/17/2011-S B. & F.
Calendar: 04/06/11 1:30 p.m. – Room 112 SEN BANKING AND FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS Summary: Would revise these limits on pawnbroker compensation and would, instead, prohibit a pawnbroker from charging or receiving compensation at a rate exceeding 2.5% per month on the unpaid principal balance of any loan.

SB 218(Vargas) Commissioner of Financial Institutions.
Introduced: 02/09/2011
Status: 02/17/2011-Referred to Com. on RLS.
Location: 02/17/2011-S RLS. Summary: Existing law authorizes the Commissioner of Financial Institutions to have an office in the City of Sacramento, the City of Los Angeles, the City of San Diego, the City and County of San Francisco, or any other location in the state that he or she considers appropriate. This bill would make a technical, nonsubstantial change by amending and renumbering this section of law.

SB 219(Vargas) Commissioner of Financial Institutions.
Introduced: 02/09/2011
Status: 02/17/2011-Referred to Com. on RLS.
Location: 02/17/2011-S RLS. Summary: Existing law provides that the chief officer of the Department of Financial Institutions is the Commissioner of Financial Institutions. This bill would make a technical, nonsubstantive change by amending and renumbering this section of law.

SB 220(Price) Life insurance: group policies.
Introduced: 02/09/2011
Status: 02/17/2011-Referred to Com. on INS.
Location: 02/17/2011-S INS. Summary: Would provide that coverage for dependent children under a group life insurance policy may continue until 26 years of age, regardless of the child’s marital status or whether the child is attending an educational institution.

SB 221(Simitian) Small claims court: jurisdiction.
Introduced: 02/09/2011
Status: 02/17/2011-Referred to Com. on JUD.
Location: 02/17/2011-S JUD. Summary: Would increase the jurisdiction of the small claims court by increasing that amount to $10,000. The bill would also make a technical change by deleting a duplicate code section that contains identical provisions.

SB 222(Alquist) Health plans: joint ventures.
Introduced: 02/09/2011
Status: 02/17/2011-Referred to Com. on HEALTH.
Location: 02/17/2011-S HEALTH Summary: Would authorize a county board of supervisors, a county special commission, or a county health authority that governs, owns, or operates a local initiative health plan or county-organized health system, as specified, or the County Medical Services Program governing board, to form joint ventures for the joint or coordinated offering of health plans to individuals and groups. The bill would require all joint ventures established pursuant to the above provisions to meet all of the requirements of the Knox-Keene Health Care Service Plan Act of 1975.

SB 223(Leno) Voter-approved local assessment: vehicles.
Introduced: 02/09/2011
Status: 02/17/2011-Referred to Coms. on T. & H. and Gov. & F.
Location: 02/17/2011-S T. & H. Summary: Would authorize counties and the City and County of San Francisco to impose a voter-approved local assessment for specified vehicles if certain conditions, including approval by local voters, are met. The bill would require the county or the city and county to contract with the department to collect and administer the assessment, as provided. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.

SB 224(Pavley) Public Contracts: Department of Water Resources.
Introduced: 02/09/2011
Status: 02/17/2011-Referred to Com. on N.R. & W.
Location: 02/17/2011-S N.R. & W. Summary: Would also exempt from that law specified contracts entered into by the Department of Water Resources, but would exclude from that exemption contracts for the sale, delivery, or use of water or power from the State Water Resources Development System.

SB 225(Simitian) California Pollution Control Financing Authority: Capital Access Loan Program.
Introduced: 02/09/2011
Status: 02/17/2011-Referred to Com. on E.Q.
Location: 02/17/2011-S E.Q. Summary: Would authorize the authority to establish loss reserve accounts for the purposes of terminal rental adjustment clause (TRAC) leasing, as defined, if funds are available for contribution into the loss reserve account from any source other than the authority.

SB 226(Simitian) Land use planning.
Introduced: 02/09/2011
Status: 02/17/2011-Referred to Com. on E.Q.
Location: 02/17/2011-S E.Q. Summary: Would authorize the referral of a proposed action to adopt or substantially amend a general plan to a city or county within or abutting the area covered by the proposal by a planning agency prior to action by a legislative body to adopt or amend the general plan to be conducted concurrently with the scoping meeting. The city or county would be authorized to submit specified comments at the scoping meeting. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.

SB 227(Wyland) Business and professions: licensure.
Introduced: 02/09/2011
Status: 02/17/2011-Referred to Com. on RLS.
Location: 02/17/2011-S RLS. Summary: Existing law, under the Business and Professions Code, provides for the regulation and licensure of various professionals. Existing law provides that the term “licentiate,” as used in the Business and Professions Code, refers to any person authorized by a license, certificate, registration, or other means to engage in a business or profession regulated by that code and as specified. This bill would make technical, nonsubstantive changes to that provision.

SB 228(Wyland) Income tax: credit: small businesses.
Introduced: 02/09/2011
Status: 02/17/2011-Referred to Com. on RLS.
Location: 02/17/2011-S RLS. Summary: Would repeal a duplicative provision in the Personal Income Tax Law and make a technical, nonsubstantive change in the remaining provision.

SB 229(Wyland) Income Taxes: corporate.
Introduced: 02/09/2011
Status: 02/17/2011-Referred to Com. on RLS.
Location: 02/17/2011-S RLS. Summary: The Corporation Tax Law provides that income derived from or attributable to sources within this state includes income from specified types of property. This bill would make technical, nonsubstantive changes to that provision.

SB 230(Emmerson) Business license taxation.
Introduced: 02/09/2011
Status: 02/17/2011-Referred to Com. on RLS.
Location: 02/17/2011-S RLS. Summary: Would make a nonsubstantive change to this provision.

SB 231(Emmerson) Regulatory boards: healing arts.
Introduced: 02/09/2011
Status: 02/17/2011-Referred to Com. on RLS.
Location: 02/17/2011-S RLS. Summary: Would make nonsubstantive, technical changes to that provision.

SB 232(Wyland) Instructional materials: legislative intent.
Introduced: 02/09/2011
Status: 02/17/2011-Referred to Com. on RLS.
Location: 02/17/2011-S RLS. Summary: Existing law states the intent of the Legislature to provide for the adoption and selection of quality instructional materials for use in the elementary and secondary schools and recognizes that the governing boards of school districts have the responsibility to establish courses of study and that they must have the ability to choose instructional materials that are appropriate to their courses of study. This bill would make a technical, nonsubstantive change to that provision.

SB 233(Pavley) Emergency services and care.
Introduced: 02/09/2011
Status: 02/17/2011-Referred to Com. on HEALTH.
Location: 02/17/2011-S HEALTH Summary: Would expand the definition of emergency services and care to include care, treatment, and surgery by a physician assistant in compliance with prescribed provisions. This bill would also expand the definition of consultation to authorize physician assistants to provide a consultation. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.

SB 234(Hancock) State Board of Equalization: administration: use tax.
Introduced: 02/09/2011
Status: 02/17/2011-Referred to Com. on Gov. & F.
Location: 02/17/2011-S G. & F. Summary: Would further define a retailer engaged in business in this state as a retailer that has substantial nexus with this state and a retailer upon whom federal law permits the state to impose a use tax collection duty. The bill would also include specified retailers as retailers engaged in business in this state and would eliminate an exclusion.

SB 235(Negrete McLeod) Water and flood districts: reorganization of district governing board.
Introduced: 02/09/2011
Status: 02/19/2011-Set for hearing March 16.
Location: 02/17/2011-S G. & F.
Calendar: 03/16/11 9:30 a.m. – John L. Burton Hearing Room (4203) SEN GOVERNANCE AND FINANCE Summary: Would authorize the governing board of a district, as defined, to reorganize the district to reduce the total membership of the governing board by a resolution adopted by a majority vote of the board. The bill would prescribe procedures for the reorganization of the governing board of the district, including procedures for the reapportionment of division boundaries within the district in those districts that elect directors based on their residence within a division of the district, and procedures for the appointment of members of the governing board to the remaining seats on a recognized board. The bill would require a district that reorganizes its governing board pursuant to these provisions to notify specified local agencies.

SB 236(Anderson) California Public Records Act.
Introduced: 02/09/2011
Status: 02/17/2011-Referred to Com. on RLS.
Location: 02/17/2011-S RLS. Summary: The California Public Records Act requires state and local agencies to make public records available for inspection by the public, subject to specified criteria, and with specified exceptions. This bill would make technical, nonsubstantive changes to these provisions.

SB 237(Wolk) California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006: agriculture.
Introduced: 02/09/2011
Status: 02/17/2011-Referred to Com. on E.Q.
Location: 02/17/2011-S E.Q. Summary: Would provide that an unspecified percentage of funds generated from the state sale of emission allowances for market-based compliance mechanisms adopted pursuant to the act and funds from federal global warming programs shall be made available, upon appropriation by the Legislature, to fund activities that will reduce greenhouse gas emissions, or adapt to global warming, in the state’s agricultural sector. The bill would require an unspecified agency to administer these funds for a specified grant program. The bill would provide for the creation of the California Agricultural Climate Benefits Advisory Committee to assist in the implementation of these requirements, as provided.

SB 238(León, De) Athlete agents.
Introduced: 02/09/2011
Status: 02/17/2011-Referred to Coms. on B., P. & E.D. and PUB. S.
Location: 02/17/2011-S B., P. & E.D. Summary: Would require the court to suspend, or where appropriate, revoke the privilege of a person to conduct the business of an athlete agent if the person is convicted of a violation of the act. The bill would also require the court to order an athlete agent or an athlete agent’s representative or employee to disgorge all revenues received in connection with a violation of the act.

SB 239(Wyland) Teacher credentialing.
Introduced: 02/09/2011
Status: 02/17/2011-Referred to Com. on RLS.
Location: 02/17/2011-S RLS. Summary: Would state the intent of the Legislature to enact legislation relating to teacher credentialing.

SB 240(Rubio) Truancy.
Introduced: 02/09/2011
Status: 02/17/2011-Referred to Com. on RLS.
Location: 02/17/2011-S RLS. Summary: Would express the intent of the Legislature to enact legislation that would make changes in the statutes related to truancy to provide the parents and legal guardians of pupils with the civil rights they need to address attendance-related problems in the worst performing public schools in the state.

SB 241(Cannella) Environment: California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).
Introduced: 02/09/2011
Status: 02/17/2011-Referred to Coms. on E.Q. and JUD.
Location: 02/17/2011-S E.Q. Summary: Would enact the CEQA Litigation Protection Pilot Program of 2011 and would require the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency to select projects that meet specified requirements from specified regions for each calendar year between 2012 and 2016. The bill would exempt from judicial review, pursuant to CEQA, a lead agency’s decision to certify the EIR of, or to adopt a mitigated negative declaration based on an initial study for, the selected projects, a lead agency’s and responsible agency’s approval of the selected project, and the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency’ s selection of the projects. The bill would require the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency, by December 31 of each year, to submit an annual report to the Governor and to the Legislature summarizing the designation of projects, and the job creation and investment attributable to the designated projects. This bill contains other related provisions.

SB 242(Corbett) Social networking Internet Web sites: privacy: minors.
Introduced: 02/09/2011
Status: 02/17/2011-Referred to Com. on JUD.
Location: 02/17/2011-S JUD. Summary: Would prohibit a social networking Internet Web site, as defined, from displaying in a designated text field, to the public or other registered users, the home address or telephone number of a registered user of that Internet Web site who identifies himself or herself as being under 18 years of age. This bill would impose a civil penalty, not to exceed $10,000, for each willful and knowing violation of this prohibition.

SB 243(Wyland) High school graduation: courses required.
Introduced: 02/10/2011
Status: 02/24/2011-Referred to Com. on RLS.
Location: 02/24/2011-S RLS. Summary: Existing law prohibits a pupil from receiving a diploma of graduation from high school unless he or she completes specified course requirements while enrolled in grades 9 to 12, inclusive. This bill would make technical, nonsubstantive changes in this provision.

SB 244(Wolk) Land use: general plan: disadvantaged unincorporated communities.
Introduced: 02/10/2011
Status: 02/24/2011-Referred to Com. on Gov. & F.
Location: 02/24/2011-S G. & F.
Calendar: 04/06/11 9:30 a.m. – Room 112 SEN GOVERNANCE AND FINANCE Summary: Would require, prior to January 1, 2014, and thereafter upon each revision of its housing element, a city or county to review and update one or more elements of its general plan, as necessary to address the presence of island, fringe, or legacy unincorporated communities, as defined, inside or near its boundaries, and would require the updated general plan to include specified information. This bill would also require the city or county planning agency, after the initial revision and update of the general plan, to review, and if necessary amend, the general plan to update the information, goals, and program of action relating to these communities therein. By adding to the duties of city and county officials, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.


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