
The Diamond Bar Republican Has a New Twist on Fundraising


Filed under: Fundraising


  1. Do they carry a Portly sizes?

    Comment by Wally Webgas — 3.09.2011 @ 11:05 am

  2. Can’t wait for the “Taken to the Cleaners (follow-up) Fundraiser”

    Comment by lotuslover — 3.09.2011 @ 11:29 am

  3. So if I got the suits and shirts, I’d probably need a few new ties. Maybe some clever legislator could do a “necktie party” where we pick out appropriate ties. And, yes, I chose the term “necktie party” on purpose. If this weren’t so incredibly outrageous, it would be funny. Tell me this is not some attempt at humor and the event is not real. Please.

    Comment by The Big Kahuna — 3.10.2011 @ 10:04 am

  4. The big question is: Where will these suits be made? Hong Kong, perhaps? Hagman is in China even as we speak. So much for supporting jobs for California, let alone staying close to the Capital to vote on the budget.

    Comment by stevefromsacto — 3.11.2011 @ 2:41 pm

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