Mercifully, No Threat Posed to Roads, Interstates, Bike Paths, Rail Lines or Tarmacs
Governor Brown’s Prison Plan Jeopardizes Safety of Streets
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Tuesday, April 5, 2011 CONTACT: Nghia Nguyen Demovic @ 916.307.9955 cell
Sacramento – Author of the nation’s toughest child protection law, Jessica’s Law, Senator Sharon Runner issued the following statement on the Governor’s signing of Assembly Bill 109 to shift the responsibility of incarceration from the state to the 58 counties:
“With the stroke of his pen, the Governor has ignited a public safety time bomb.
“This single action will result in the early release of approximately 45,000 inmates.
“This is public safety nightmare!
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The Good Senator does have a remedy to her concerns. She can rally support for a tax source (a new tax source) that will pay for the keeping of all future state prisoners in state facilities (with suitable health care and housing). It seems neither she nor her husband has ever taken into account the cost of their anti-crime efforts–so now, after the tax breaks and revenue reductions supported by them and others, it seems alternative solutions are being implemented. So, in short, Sharon, if you want to keep them–come up with a way to pay for them!
Comment by lotuslover — 4.05.2011 @ 10:23 pm