A “Confidential” Letter from GOP Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney
Recently — on a Monday according to the letter below — Mitt Romney sent a letter stamped in 36 point, all-caps red ink:
Despite the warning, the contents seemed very similar to what he has been saying in very public campaign appearances all over the country for any number of months.
The missive centers mainly on the alleged faults of the Affordable Care Act, labeled by Romney and other Republicans as “Obamacare.”
The only way to abandon the “bad policy,” “big government,” “big failure” of “Obamacare,” which Romney says is taking the country in “precisely the wrong direction” is to deny President Obama a second term, the four-page letter says.
Although the letter comes from Boston, Massachusetts there is no mention of the many similarities between the health care program backed and enacted by Romney as governor of the Bay State and the Affordable Care Act.
An “Official People v. ‘Obamacare’ Petition” is enclosed, however.
The petition includes a wide assortment of checkable boxes with various proposed levels of campaign contributions.
The return enveloped contains a 24-point all-caps red:
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Only one (in polite company) way to say it — WHAT AN ASS!
Comment by sambolina — 8.22.2012 @ 7:24 am