Who GIves a F*CK About “Hope” Anyway?
The card at left and below adorned the tables at a December 14 Birthday Party for California Democratic Party Chair John Burton, who turned 80 the following day. Burton, former president pro tempore of the state Senate and longtime San Francisco Assemblyman, expressed gratitude and a measure of surprise at reaching the milestone.
Brainstorming and bankrolling of the handbills is the work of a member of Congress who chooses to remain anonymous.
(Numbered, autographed lithographs no doubt will be available through the state Democratic Party in 2013.)
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A dubious legacy to be sure. I am a democrat, but I have often wondered at what in the world was the party thinking with their apparent insatiable need to revere this man. He was a mediocre representative of the people, a bully and disrespectful of both his office and the responsibility he had to the people. Perhaps THAT is what this handbill is REALLY attempting to say?
Comment by sambolina — 12.18.2012 @ 11:13 am