
Resolve not to Revise, Redux

Apparently the message is not sinking in. Once again:

On Tuesday May 14, 2013 Wednesday, Gov. Jerry Brown will present a revised budget plan. That means the document he shares with California and its 38 million residents is a REVISION of the spending plan he presented in January.

It is not a revise of the spending plan he offered four months ago, although it could be a revising thereof.

If the previous document is the Democratic governor’s January budget plan, this new document would be the May REVISION.

Not now, not ever, would it be the May revise. 

Revise, according to the Free On-Line Dictionary, Funk & Wagnall’s, Webster’s and the venerated OED – is defined thusly: 

1. To prepare a newly edited version of (a text). Or: 

2. To reconsider and change or modify.  “I have revised my opinion of him,” for example. 

Most significantly, revise is a VERB. V-E-R-B. It is an action. 

So while the governor can revise his January budget, the result is a REVISION

A REVISION, returning to the grail of the Free On-Line Dictionary, is a NOUN. It is defined as: 

1. The act or process of revising. 

Please revise the nomenclature of the May REVISION accordingly. 



  1. Hate to break it to you – I think it’s ugly too – but the OED actually lists “revise” in a nominal form as well, with venerable citations in the letters of both Dickens and Thackeray.

    Comment by Minivet — 5.14.2013 @ 6:03 am

  2. Oh, and I should have said, in the meaning of “revised version or form.”

    Dickens: “Mr. Dickens will be glad if Mr. Newby will send a complete revise of the whole book..to Mr. Overs for his attentive perusal.”

    Thackeray: “Mr. Payn writes sternly for the revise for my story and I must not write any more now.”

    Comment by Minivet — 5.14.2013 @ 6:04 am

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