The “New” California Republican Party Asks the Same Old Question
While a new California Republican Party chair might have more moves and different priorities than his predecessor, there’s no way to avoid the fact that the primary focus of the job is to elect more Republicans. GOP Chair Jim Brulte makes that point in Item #1 of the May 1 electronically-sent missive below.
Electing more Republicans and, indeed, accomplishing Items #2 and #3, requires money. That, in turn, necessitates solicitations such as the one posted below, for campaign contributions.
Nothing new about that. Brulte’s former colleague in the state senate, John Burton, does the very same thing as chair of the California Democratic Party. His job is made somewhat easy by his party holding the governor’s office and super-majorities in both houses of the Legislature.
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Same old bs and that goes for both parties. It is tragic that the goal or objective is NEVER to do the people’s business, to represent their best interests honestly and competently. Makes me again want to hurl my Wheaties! The fall is coming, and I don’t mean October!
Comment by Sambolina — 5.21.2013 @ 3:45 pm