
“The Real Neel” on Taxes

Filed under: Spotlight


  1. WOW where to start. The false comparison. ” We spend $40 billion on schools but our achievement is 47th. Neither is true and one does not equate to the other. And this guy ran the TARP program? Same logic people are losing their houses lets give more money to the Banks. Actually we are between last and next to last among the States in real spending per student and within 3% of the average in the National Assessment of Educational Progress. There is much to improve in our schools but this kind of bullshit does not help improve our schools John

    Comment by john mockler — 2.11.2014 @ 5:21 pm

  2. Wow is right! It doesn’t take a great deal of “research” to determine how off-base Mr. Kashkari is with his arguments. And, John Mockler is exactly correct as that same cursory research will confirm.

    There is certainly room for discussion about how California spends its money – in a bunch of areas. (For example, why do we continuously pay enormously over bid for state projects — eg.the Bay Bridge project. Seems like this is just a way of doing business — accepting the lowest bid knowing it is BS and then paying twice that bid – for an inferior product. Hmmmm. . .).

    But, I digress. Certainly we have a problem with education – in California and actually throughout the nation. Point is that defining the quality education of our kids as an essential investment in the security and future of our nation is key before we can seriously craft solutions. This has gotta happen before we ever have a hope in hell of success.

    Another truth is that politically in this state and certainly in this country, we are a tragically long way from that first critical step. It will take honesty, hard work and wisdom – not bullshit as the learned Mr. Mockler has so astutely pointed out.

    Comment by Sandy Carey — 2.12.2014 @ 8:27 am

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