
There’s At Least One Thing Gov. Brown and Former Gov. Schwarzenegger Agree On

A legislative attempt to outlaw prohibitions on the use of artificial turf in condominium complexes and planned communities was vetoed by Gov. Jerry Brown June 15.

Sponsored by the San Diego Water Authority, the bill would have declared any provision in the governing documents of a homeowner’s association, such as the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions, precluding use of Astro Turf or other synthetic surfaces unenforceable.

“Under this bill, homeowners associations that govern Common Interest Developments would be forced to approve the installation of Astro Turf,” the Democratic governor said in a terse veto message.

“A decision to choose synthetic turf over natural vegetation is best left to individual homeowners associations, not mandated by state law.”

The measure, SB 759 by Sen. Ted Lieu, a Torrance Democrat, was aimed at reducing water usage at the state’s more than 47,000 common interest developments whose 6 million units represent roughly 25 percent of California’s housing stock.

Watering lawns in the San Diego area uses up to 46 gallons of water per square foot per year, according to the water authority.

Landscape irrigation makes up 70% of the average household water use.

Lieu’s bill did not promote the use of artificial turf, it merely said any prohibitions against its use by homeowners associations would be illegal.

Former Assemblywoman Lori Saldana, a San Diego Democrat, carried an identical measure last year.

It met the same fate as Lieu’s bill except at the hands of former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Her veto message was longer, than Lieu’s, however.

“This bill would void a provision in the governing documents of a common interest development (CID) if it prohibits the use of artificial turf or any other                synthetic surface that resembles grass in its landscaping rules and regulations,” the former GOP governor wrote.

“CIDs provide a system of self-governance through a community association, responsible for managing, maintaining, and repairing the common areas, and have the authority to enforce special rules.

“Decisions such as these regarding the use of artificial turf can be made by the homeowners and amended into their governing documents.”





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