
It’s This Kind of Love the Capitol Missed the Most

The lonely hiatus is finally over.

At last, the grand and glorious day has arrived – the Legislature returns to the Capitol.

It’s been an excruciatingly long four months.

The doldrums of no committee hearings, no press conferences and no windy but pointless floor speeches are finally at an end.

Finally, dull inactivity replaced with tedious overactivity.

And that deserves celebration.

Or so says the legislative Latino Caucus.

On January 4, they’re throwing a little shindig at Tequila Museo Mayahuel on Sacramento’s K St. Mall.

A “Welcome Back” reception, the invitation says.

Who exactly is welcoming back who?

As a lobbyist or representative of an interest group my level of eagerness at welcoming back lawmakers might be heightened if there wasn’t a $1,000 minimum entry fee attached.


Filed under: Fundraising

1 Comment

  1. Jeeez — more of the same ol’ bs! I guess these guys are just never going to get it – and why should they — it pays too much!

    Comment by Sambolina — 1.04.2012 @ 10:28 am

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