
The Fundraising Season Begins to Pick Up Steam

Could be crowded January 30 at Tequila Museo Mayahuel restaurant on 12th and K in Sacramento.

Of course crowded is just how the owners like it .

And how the two state Senate candidates holding fundraisers there yearn for it to be as well.

Sen. Kevin  de Leon, a Los Angeles Democrat, wants a minimum of $1,000 to attend his 5:30 to 7:30 pm fundraiser at the restaurant.

He seeks re-election in 2014.

Jason Hodge, the husband of Assemblywoman Fiona MA, a San Francisco Decmorat, is a Democratic candidate for the coastal 19th Senate District which includes Santa Maria, Santa Barbara, Ventura and former Democratic Assemblywoman Hannah Beth Jackson who wants to best Hodge in the June primary.

He is holding a $1,500-a-head fundraiser at Mayahuel beginning at 6:00 pm the same time as his would-be colleague, de Leon.

To date, Jackson has scheduled no Sacramento fundraiser through the end of February.

Hodge has another fundraiser – this only $1,000-per person — scheduled for February 13 at Paragary’s, a venerable Sacramento eatery that once was the hangout of the ‘Gang of Five, a group of Democrats that attempted to topple Assembly Speaker Willie Brown in 1988.

It’s a co-fundraiser, apparently. Ma is holding an event at the same time and location seeking $1,000 for her bid for Board of Equalization in 2014. 


Filed under: Fundraising

1 Comment

  1. Greg you missed the chance to mention that the couple that hosts events together stay together. With Hodge and Ma being newlyweds!

    Comment by Management Slug — 1.26.2012 @ 4:37 pm

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