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Pete Seeger (1919 2014)



  “Passing Through”……………………. 




Passing through. Passing through.

Sometimes happy, Sometimes blue.

Glad that I ran in to you.

Tell the people that you saw me passing through.


I saw Adam leave the garden with an apple in his hand, 

I said, “Now you’re out, what are you gonna do?

Plant some crops and pray for rain, maybe raise a little Cain,

I’m an orphan and I’m only passing through.”    Read more »



No Doubt Just a Momentarily Slip, Governor But…

…on behalf of  William Strunk Jr., E.B. White and English teachers everywhere, when comparing or contrasting more than two items,  “among” is the proper preposition.

Your final grade is not jeopardized should this remain an aberration:

Brown surprises state board, calls for adoption of LCFF regs

by Tom Chorneau

(Calif.) Taking clear control of the debate over school funding governance, Gov.    Read more »



Legislature and Governor Hold Budgetary Love-In

The Legislative Analyst routinely takes governors to task for any number of deficiencies  — unrealistic forecasts, faux-savings and gimmickry, among them — contained  in the January spending plans of the executive branch. Not this year:

“Overall, the governor’s proposal would place California on an even stronger fiscal footing, continuing California’s budgetary progress,” the analyst says in its 42-page Overview of the Governor’s Budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1.     Read more »



New Budget Spends $65 Million on Illegal Immigrant Drivers Licenses

Providing up to 1.4 million driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants will cost $65 million for the Department of Motor Vehicles during the first six months after the law takes effect January 1, 2015, according to Gov. Jerry Brown’s proposed budget plan released January 9.

Lawmakers had debated the issue of whether illegal immigrants should have licenses for 20 years prior to approving legislation to do so in September.    Read more »



Might Be Trying to Distance Himself from the Governor


Vidak: Governor Brown, Why Don’t YouCome to Your Senses? SACRAMENTO – Senator Andy Vidak (R-Hanford) responded today to Governor Jerry Brown’s budget proposal to use cap-and-trade money to fund the High-Speed Rail (HSR) project with the following statement: 

Governor Brown, why don’t you come to your senses? 

In 2008, 52 percent of the electorate voted to pass Proposition 1A, which allowed the State of California to issue up to $9.95 billion in bonds to construct a high speed train.     Read more »



(Must Be Good News Or He Wouldn’t Want to Say It Three Times)

Top Story UPDATED: Governor Brown to Introduce Budget on Friday in Sacramento, San Diego and Los Angeles


Please note that news conferences have been added in San Diego and Los Angeles. 

SACRAMENTO – Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. will introduce his 2014-15 budget proposal on Friday, January 10, 2014 at news conferences in Sacramento, San Diego and Los Angeles.SacramentoWhen:     Read more »



“I Don’t See Your Name on the List”


(Editor’s Note: Happy New Year! Below is a small taste of 2014…) 




California is first in innovation, entertainment, technology, food safety, and environmental protection. But we trail the rest of the nation in voting.

I’m running for Secretary of State to change that, because our democracy is strongest when everyone participates, and the best progress is possible when all voices are heard.    Read more »



On December 23, 190 Years Ago…

“…a poem entitled ‘A Visit from St. Nicholas’ was published anonymously in the Troy Sentinel, an upstate New York newspaper. The unsigned poem began:

” ‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.’

“For a long time, ‘A Visit from St.    Read more »



A Less-Is-More or a More-Is-Less Legislature?

New Initiative Will Drastically Reform California Electoral Process

“Neighborhood Legislature” initiative cleared to gather signatures to qualify measure for the November 2014 ballot

(SACRAMENTO)—”California’s Secretary of State today gave the Neighborhood Legislature initiative the green light to begin gathering signatures to qualify the measure for the November 2014 election ballot. The revolutionary measure will re-draw legislative districts to create smaller Assembly and Senate districts with true local representation, which will, in turn, hold elected officials more accountable to the people they are elected to serve and drastically reduce the amount of money now required to run for office.     Read more »



“Never Sleep With Anyone Whose Troubles Are Worse Than Your Own.”

That’s one of the more memorable of the many memorable lines penned by mystery novelist Ross Macdonald who was born Kenneth Millar in Los Gatos on December 13, 1915.

Many of Macdonald’s one-liners and hard-bitten observations came from the mouth of his most famous character, private investigator Lew Archer. Macdonald named him after Sam Spade’s dead partner in Dashiell Hammett’s The Maltese Falcon, Miles Archer, and Lew Wallace, the author of Ben Hur.     Read more »
